
Heroic Effort Enables Paralyzed Patient to Reunite with Family

Team effort helped show the love of Jesus in action, Adventist hospital leaders said.

From Sunday-keeping Religious Leaders to Committed Adventists

Three lay pastors and elders in Papua New Guinea share their story.

Small-Town Pastoral Couple in Kentucky Reaches Thousands through Media Ministries

A blog and radio program helped them connect with a large audience in the community.

Nurse Donates Kidney to Give Teen Greater Odds at Finding Perfect Match

Carly Decker works at AdventHealth Avista’s surgery center in Louisville, Colorado.

Translator for Two Generations of GC Presidents Has a Heart for Mission

A retired pastor, Jonathan Wera raises funds to open gospel work in hard-to-reach places.

Smiles and Tears Mark Reaction of Man after Cataract Surgery in PNG

A volunteer coordinator shares some highlights of her recent experience at health clinic.

‘Worship Christ, Serve Others’: Columbia Union in the U.S. Has New President

Marcellus Robinson brings a lifetime of dedicated ministry to a new role.

A Challenge Becomes an Opportunity for Mission in St. Croix

Abraham Schrock turned loss into blessing as he helped with church rebuilding.

‘The Hopeful,’ Film about Adventist Origins, Debuts in Theaters

‘I think a lot of those misconceptions that Adventists maybe aren’t mainstream Christians, I think they’re going to be challenged,’ said director and co-producer Kyle Portbury.

‘Pastor, Could We Break the Ice?’

A young woman showed that nothing would stop her from public profession of giving her heart to Jesus.

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