We’re looking for writers for the Adventist Review—men and women of all ages whom the Lord has gifted and called to write. Authors’ work should express passion for God and demonstrate literary skill in communicating viewpoints.
Spiritual Growth: For more than 170 years, the Adventist Review has encouraged its readers to seek the abundant life that Jesus promised. We feature articles about personal spirituality, how to study God’s Word, developing a friendship with Jesus, and understanding His call to discipleship.
Message: Adventist Review is the distinctive voice of Seventh-day Adventist belief and witness. We publish thoughtful, well-written, and Scripture-based articles on salvation by faith, the authority of the Bible, the seventh-day Sabbath, the second coming of Jesus, Jesus’ ministry in heaven, Christian lifestyle, origins, stewardship, news and events of interest to Adventists and other Christians, and many other biblical and theological topics.
World Focus: Our readers access our material from around the globe, and we seek authors who can address the ethnic, racial, age, and gender diversity found in the body of Christ.
Reader Interaction: We invite our readers to share with us articles that enrich our understanding of faith, highlight important truths, or share information and Christian perspectives on world events.
Magazine Content: Every issue of Adventist Review contains various types of content, each with its own unique purpose. Here’s what you can expect to find:
Here is a list of article themes/topics that we typically publish, including a brief description or explanation of each, the recommended word counts, the editor generally responsible for coordinating a particular topic, and editors’ contact information. This list is not exhaustive but does provide several examples and guidelines. Also keep in mind that we sometimes print condensed versions of sermons and other presentations that are particularly inspirational and relevant.
Article Type | Description | Word Count | Editor | E-mail Contact information |
Cover feature | Mission, theology, outreach, service, current issues, etc., as negotiated | 1,500 to 2,000 (can be higher with prior approval) | As designated | [email protected] |
Feature | Similar topics as cover articles | 1,200 to 1,800 | As designated | [email protected] |
Adventist Heritage | Adventist history | 800 to 1,300 | Bill Knott | [email protected] |
Spiritual Growth | Devotional, theology, biblical studies, archaeology | 800 to 1,300 | Gerald Klingbeil | [email protected] |
Stories | Inspiring stories of faith and personal growth | 800 to 1,300 | [email protected] | |
Inbox | Short, specific, topical letters to the editor | 200 maximum | Wilona Karimabadi | [email protected] |
Contemporary Adventist practices and lifestyles In today’s society | Service, outreach, discipleship, Christian lifestyle, life in the body of Christ | 800 to 1,300 | Sandra Blackmer | [email protected] |
Health | Well-documented, practical material about principles and practices of wellness | 800 to 1,300 | Sandra Blackmer | [email protected] |
News Features | Developed perspective on current events | 600 to 1,000 | Enno Müller | [email protected] |
News Briefs | Time-sensitive church information | 50 to 250 | Enno Müller | [email protected] |
News Commentary | Christian perspectives on recent developments in world news or current events | 300 to 500 | Enno Müller | [email protected] |
Poetry | Word art | 50 to 300 | Lael Caesar | [email protected] |
Media Reviews (books, music, Christian movies, etc.) | New releases | 100 to 400 | Lael Caesar | [email protected] |
We are seeking articles that are thoughtfully and carefully written, conveying content consistent with biblical teaching and Adventist beliefs, supported by relevant data and sources, and appealing to well-informed, literate readers.
Articles relying more than 15 percent on cited material will typically not be considered for publication, nor those extensively citing copyrighted material beyond “fair use” criteria. We rarely publish speculative material drawing on dreams or highly imaginative sources, or highly technical material appealing to only a portion of our readership. Please do not send us an article that is currently under consideration by another journal, nor multiple manuscripts at one time unless you have been specifically encouraged to do so by a member of our editorial team.
We welcome queries from prospective authors to determine our interest in a proposed topic, and we try to respond to all queries promptly. Send queries to the editor who oversees the specific category/topic in which your article would fall.
Once received, our editorial team will evaluate your manuscript. Generally, we aim to send a response within 21 days, but sometimes it may take longer.
The Adventist Review editorial team works diligently on quality assurance and vetting for all material submitted for publication both online and in print. As writers and editors, we understand that the content of the material is open to public scrutiny. We acknowledge that our authors share experiences that may appear similar in content and context to those of other writers in the professional field. In this regard, common topics, verbiage, and relational terms to other authors in the same field of research or creative process may be present. The editorial team, however, strives to ensure accidental plagiarism is addressed and corrected before publications are shared online and in print.
“Plagiarism is using someone else’s ideas or words without giving them proper credit. It is important to recognize that standards and conventions for citing sources vary from academia to scholarly publishing to the professional sphere, sometimes very widely, but in all situations, we must attribute other people’s words and ideas to their appropriate source” (Adopted from Purdue University On-Line Writing Lab;
If your manuscript is accepted, we will send you an Author Agreement contract to complete. Once the article is printed, we will send you an honorarium, usually based on the word count after your article has been edited and prepared for print. The honorarium is to thank you for a one-time use of your article. All subsequent uses after first use belong to the author. In order to process your honorarium, we must have your mailing address, brief biographical information, your Social Security number (as per government regulation), and a signed publication agreement covering the first-use rights. Accepted manuscripts are typically scheduled for use within nine months of acceptance, though longer intervals may occur depending on editorial priorities.
Accepted manuscripts are subject to editorial work in the process of preparing them for publication. The author and editor work together in this process.
Some articles—particularly those that are time-sensitive—are accepted for online-use only. They go through a similar but fast-tracked process.
We’re looking forward to receiving your articles!