By SARAH PULLIAM BAILEY ©2014 Religion News Service
Conservative Protestants in red states aren’t the
only ones seeing high divorce rates—so are their neighbors, according to a new
Researchers found that simply living in an area
with a large concentration of conservative Protestants increases the chances of
divorce, even for those who are not themselves conservative Protestants.
According to researchers who took into
account race, income and other factors, marriage and fertility trends that
are common among conservative Protestants—younger marriage, more kids, less
higher education— affect all people in areas most populated by conservative
Protestants, no matter their personal religious affiliation.
“Conservative Protestant community norms and the
institutions they create seem to increase divorce risk,” researchers say in the
study. For example, those who are struggling in their marriage may feel
discouraged to find help in communities where marriage is idealized or marital
failure is viewed as shameful, the researchers suggest.
“Generally, religion, religious belief and
religious activities are thought to strengthen marriages,” said co-author
Jennifer Glass a sociology professor at the University of Texas at Austin (UT). “It
appears that the cessation of education, early marriage and early parenthood,
you’re set up for relationship conflict, financial stress and dissolution.”
The study, titled “Red States, Blue States, and
Divorce: Understanding the Impact of Conservative Protestantism on Regional
Variation in Divorce Rates” in the American
Journal of Sociology, analyzed county divorce statistics and information
from a study of religious congregations, divorce statistics, information on the
religious breakdown of local areas and a national survey.
Researchers considered why states with larger
proportions of religious conservatives have higher divorce rates than states
with lower proportions of religious conservatives. The study compared
“conservative Protestants”—those who believe the Bible is without error — with
other “mainline Christian” denominations (including Catholics), other faiths
and those who aren’t affiliated with a religion.
The research suggests that “the average county
would double its divorce rate as its proportion (of) conservative Protestant(s)
moved from 0 to 100%,” but “this effect is much smaller than the unaffiliated
effect, which is almost three times larger.”
The findings are not as straightforward as saying
“conservative Protestants are causing trouble for other people’s marriages,”
said Charles Stokes, a sociology professor at Samford University, who conducted
a separate study on Americans who, on average, got married at a younger age.
In his own research, Stokes found that
conservative Protestants who attend church regularly are significantly less
likely to have gotten divorced than nonreligious peers.
“The pattern that pops out in this data is that
when you look at those who attend church weekly, their divorce rates are the
same as other high-attending Christians,” Stokes said. “Nominal Christians are
probably getting the community norms but aren’t in a social structure to live
the norms out.”
Mark Regnerus, one of Glass’ colleagues at UT,
has been a proponent of earlier marriage, though he doesn’t condone teen
marriage. Regnerus, who has some similar research in the past on marriage and
sex, says he sees issues in what people expect in marriage and the little
social support they receive.
“The analyses revealed here point out the wisdom
in waiting until you’re out of the most significant danger zone—the teens — and
well into your 20s,” Regnerus said in an email. “What I can see in this study
is the obvious shortcomings of a culture of ‘romantic individualism,’ one
that’s toxic to marriage, rather than a warning to wait until you’re ‘older’ to