‘Twas the month now of Christmas
And all through the land
There was not so much stirring
For travel was banned.
Mama in her face shield
And I in my mask
Were headed for church,
Which proved quite a task.
The COVID restrictions
The fear in the air
Made us ponder the question:
Would others be there?
So many are lonely
And not just the old.
The pandemic had come,
Separating the fold.
But what to my spiritual
Eye should appear,
But a promise from God
That the Savior was near.
Yes, He would be there,
But not there alone.
He would be with each heart
At church and at home.
The promise was given
And true to His Word,
He told John on Patmos
The revealing we heard.
‘Tis not just the babe
Who in Bethlehem lay,
That we joyfully worship
When comes Christmas Day.
See Jesus, our Savior,
Our Lord, and our King
His birth was our birth;
He ended death’s sting.
So worship Him fully
Wherever you are,
And join with the Magi,
Who followed the star.
For nothing can keep us
Apart for He made
Us one—His own body
When our sins He paid.
Yes, come to the manger
This new Christmas season,
But also to the cross
For this is the reason
He came as an infant
So weak and so small
Bearing all of our burdens
When on Him we call.
So I wish you Christ’s peace
Whether near us or far,
And rest in His promise
That He knows where you are.
For now let us worship.
Let our praises begin.
For we have the blessed hope:
He is coming again.
Marvin Wray is interim lead pastor of the Chico Seventh-day Adventist Church.