I cry out to God, as Hannah did.
I avoid being raw, hurt, and angry in God’s presence. I feel unworthy to have those emotions, since He is God and I am not; who am I to tell Him He’s doing His job wrong?
But more and more He tells me to fight with Him, as Jacob did; to cry out to Him with the full weight of my misery, as Hannah did. And to be sure in faith that He sees me, and that my situation matters to Him, just as Hagar was sure of it.
I do the very thing I avoid because that’s where the intimacy happens and the breakthrough happens. My problems that cause fear are not the actual problem. The thing that needs solving is my need to be more and more fully formed in love (1 John 4:18).
Vanessa, editor
I pray to my Father in heaven and imagine my angels surrounding me.
Faith, editor
I pray, and I sing, “Teach me to trust when there is cause to fear.”
Jocelyn, accountant
I trust in God. Although it’s an easy answer, these situations should show how strong our faith is when tested; when we think of being confronted with sickness, unable to pay our bills, or being afraid of the unknown.
Again, there are times when, as for the past three weeks, I’ve been in a group that doesn’t share my faith. I realize that I needn’t be afraid of what others may think or say, but simply “trust.” I show that my faith is embedded in God, and let Him live through me. It proves to be a real blessing.
Carl, travel agent
I’m afraid when I’m not in control. The default response should be to pray, since God promises to masterfully handle our anxieties and fears. But since I’m fallible, and at times obsessive, I often clumsily take matters into my own hands.
Mylon, communication specialist
I ask myself, Who knows more, me or God? Since it’s a rhetorical question, and I already know the answer, I end up feeling better.
Richard, founder of One Mustard Seed Ministry
When I don’t put my trust in God, I can become afraid of my enemies. But when I put my trust in Him, I am able to overcome my fears, and I’m no longer afraid of what humankind can do to me. Therefore, I will endeavor to trust in God continually and wholeheartedly. I will trust His Word, and I will not be afraid.
Richard, conference president
Life, because of sin, is fear; it’s a constant in a sinful world. Then there is God (life), an alternative to fear. He is love; there is no fear in Him. I face fear; I connect to God. I am connected to God, there is no fear.
Rodolfo, associate ministerial secretary
When I am afraid, I ask God to help me trust in Him, to help me fix my eyes on Him, to let all my fears get washed away in His presence.
Pedro, pastor
At the beginning of 2014 I memorized Isaiah 41:10 as my text for the year, something I have never otherwise done. When my husband, Greg, died that June, God brought that verse back to me time and again to remind me not to be afraid: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” (KJV).
“Be not dismayed” means “not to anxiously look about.” I take God at His word; He hasn’t let me down yet. Though from that time various trials, all laced with the potential of great fear now follow my days or nights, I listen for His voice to remind me anew that He is with me. His words are still for me. I choose to trust His love.
Lesa, faithful follower
I remember what the Lord has done for me in the past.
Blake, pastor
Fear appears in my life when depending on self inevitably fails. It’s the result of me trying to play God instead of allowing God to be God. Fear is an invitation to repent from my lack of trust in God, and an opportunity to surrender control yet again. God is my pilot; He’s not my copilot.
Kendall, Pastor
I remember what God has done in the past, and what He is capable of doing in the present and future. Psalm 46 says He is the Lord of hosts and my refuge. In other words, He is my protector and warrior, my offense and defense!
Guibert, Pastor
When I’m am afraid I sing the song “What a friend we have in Jesus.”
The powerful words—Oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!—always give me peace and reassurance.
Junior, tech guy
If I feel afraid my thoughts go immediately to Jesus and His promise to always be with me – “Lo, I am with you always…” or “I will never leave you” and to stories I may have just read such as the story of Peter walking on the water showing Jesus’ saving power and His care for me as well. In order not to be afraid these verses and others like them and many stories are a great comfort. We have only to ask and He is there! If He doesn’t save me in just the way I think He should, I know He is with me anyway because He promised.
Judy, retiree
My NIV reads: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” When I’m afraid I turn to God, I turn to His Word. As I read the scriptures it is there that I find encouraging promises. I’m also heartened by the stories of men and women who have claimed God’s promises in the past and have witnessed the salvation of the Lord. These stories give me confidence and boldness to trust in God when the devil’s darts overwhelm me.
Luis, high school teacher