Voices from Scripture tell us how men and women viewed and identified their God.
Adam—Creator of my helper-equal from bone of my bones (Gen. 2:23)
Eve—Giver of redemption’s Seed (Gen. 4:1)
Noah—Lord of the rainbow of covenant (Gen. 9:12-17)
Sarah—Maker of laughter (Gen. 21:6)
Jacob—the One at the head of the ladder (Gen. 28:13)
Leah—the One who hears that I am unloved and blesses me with children (Gen. 29:32-35)
Moses—the Rock, whose work is perfect, whose ways are judgment (Deut. 32:4); our dwelling place in all generations (Ps. 90:1)
Hannah—He who gives seven to the barren (1 Sam. 2:5)
Eli—the One who calls children to His service (1 Sam. 3:9)
Samuel—the Glory of Israel, the one who will neither lie, nor change His mind (1 Sam. 15:29)
Naomi—the one who grants rest (Ruth 1:9), who is kind to the living and the dead (Ruth 2:20)
Ruth—the God of her mother-in-law and the God she wanted, no matter what the cost (Ruth 1:16)
David—my Shepherd, supplying all I need (Ps. 23:1); King of glory (Ps. 24:8, 10)
Solomon—Ruler over all, who gives abundant peace (Ps. 72:8, 7)
Jonah—the One who is gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, abundant in lovingkindness, relenting of calamity (Jonah 4:2)
Daniel—He to whom righteousness, compassion and forgiveness belong (Dan. 9:7, 9)
Gabriel [angel]—Messiah the Prince (Dan. 9:25); Commissioner of good news (Luke 1:19); He for whom nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37)
Mary, mother of Jesus—One worthy of unconditional obedience (John 2:5)
Matthew—Son of David, Son of Abraham (Matt. 1:1)
Stephen—the One who reigns in heaven (Acts 7:55, 56)
Peter—the impartial One (Acts 10:34, 35)
Cornelius—One who hears Gentile prayers (Acts 10:2, 3)
Paul and Silas—the One who is worthy of our midnight praise (Acts 16:25)
Paul—He who purchased the church for Himself with His own blood (Acts 20:28); the One who appointed me His witness to the Gentiles (Acts 22:15-21); whose I am and whom I serve (Acts 27:23); who gives the spirit of power, love, and discipline (2 Tim. 1:7); whose salvation brings eternal glory (2 Tim. 2:10)
James—Father of lights, giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17)
John—King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev. 19:16)
Zophar—He of undiscoverable depths (Job 11:7)
Elihu—He whose breath gives understanding (Job 32:8)
Hagar—the One who sees (Gen. 16:13)
The Pharaoh of the Exodus—the One I do not know (Ex. 5:2)
The Philistines—the incomparable, the mighty, who smites His enemies with all kinds of plagues (1 Sam. 4:7, 8)
Balak—the One whose servants I can pay off (they all have their price) (Num. 22:1-17)
Balaam—the horns of a wild ox (Num. 24:8); not a man that He should lie (Num. 23:19)
The fool—the One who is not (Ps. 14:1)
Pharisees—companion of tax collectors and sinners (Mark 2:16)
Scribes from Jerusalem—demon-possessed (Mark 3:22)
Sneering rulers and a dying thief—the One who cannot save Himself or us (Luke 23:35, 39)
The dragon—the One who cast me out of heaven (Rev. 12:9); the Father who protects His children (Rev. 12:14); the Father whom His children obey (Rev. 12:17); the One whose children bear witness to Him (Rev. 12:17)
The Egyptian midwives—the One who built us houses (Ex. 1:21)
Israelites—glorious in holiness, awesome in praises, doing wonders (Ex. 15:11)
Elders at Bethlehem’s gate—the One whose nation builders are women (Ruth 4:11)
The women of Bethlehem—the One who restores and sustains the aged; who provides a redeemer (Ruth 4:15, 14)
Korah’s descendants—the health of my countenance (Ps. 42:11; 43:5)
The Shulamite—love’s brightest flame (S. of Sol. 8:6)
Sheba’s queen—He who loves Israel forever (1 Kings 10:9)
Nineveh’s king—the One whose mercy may spare our lives (Jonah 3:9)
Magi—the Babe of the star in the east, King of the Jews (Matt. 2:2)
Crowds at a house in Capernaum—Doer of the unprecedented (Mark 2:12)
A thief on a cross—the dying Innocent whose kingdom is to come (Luke 23:41)
Demon-possessed man—holy and having no business with devils (Mark 1:23, 24)
Angel chorus—a Savior wrapped in cloth strips, lying in a manger (Luke 2:11, 12)
The Innumerable multitude—Author of our salvation (Rev. 7:10)
An elder, one of the 24—He who wipes away all tears (Rev. 7:17)
An angel—Master of time (Rev. 10:6)
Loud voices in heaven—Inheritor of all kingdoms (Rev. 11:15)
The 24 elders—He who is, was, and reigns (Rev. 11:17)
The 144,000—The Lamb worth following—anywhere and everywhere (Rev. 14:4)
An angel—The Lord and Creator of heaven and earth and all (Rev. 14:7)
The third angel—The Judge of pure and perfect wrath (Rev. 14:10)
One of the four living creatures—The Eternal Judge, minister of wrath (Rev. 15:7)
The angel of the waters—The Judge who is and was, who is righteous and holy (Rev. 16:5); the One who metes out just deserts (Rev. 16:6)
The 10 last kings—The Lamb who overcomes us (Rev. 17:14)
A voice from heaven—Babylon’s strong Judge (Rev. 18:8)
A great multitude—the Owner of salvation and glory and power (Rev. 19:1); the Almighty who reigns (Rev. 19:6); the glorious Groom (Rev. 19:7)
A loud voice from the throne—He who will dwell with His people (Rev. 21:3); He who wipes tears away and who banishes death (Rev. 21:4)
God Himself—the One who makes everything new (Rev. 21:5); the Alpha and Omega (Rev. 21:6); Beginning and End (Rev. 21:6)
One of the seven angels—the One whose words are faithful and true (Rev. 22:6)
Jesus—the One who is coming quickly (Rev. 22:20)