Few statements are more sublimely moving than Ellen G. White’s on the value of a human soul.
The progression below from the writings of White, a cofounder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, profoundly details your worth, the worth of each individual who has ever lived, the depthless love of our incomparable Savior, and what lies at the heart of great controversy.
“One soul saved, to live throughout the ages of eternity, to praise God and the Lamb, is of more value than millions in money.”
“One soul is worth more than all the gold and silver that could be heaped up on this earth.”
“One soul for whom Christ has died is worth more than the whole world.”
“One soul saved in the kingdom of God is worth more than ten thousand worlds like this.”
“One soul is of infinite value.”
Sources, in descending order:
Testimonies, vol. 2, pg. 246
Manuscript 16, 1886, paragraph 7
Letter 6, 1893, paragraph 19
“Missionary Address,” Review and Herald, April 1, 1880, page 1
“The Necessity of Labor,” Review and Herald, March 13, 1888, page 1