The number of ways people can get in contact with each other has certainly grown in this digital age. Choices used to be getting together in person or writing a letter. Then came telegrams, telephones, radio, and television. And that was pretty much the way it was until things like fax machines, email, text messaging, and social media came along. But a fairly universal message that has endured across the years no matter what the channel is simply: “Are you OK?”
Of course, in part because of all these channels, we’ve become quite practiced at asking this question in many different ways, such as: “How you doing?” or “Is everything all right?” or “What’s going on?” And many times, we immediately follow it up with a reassuring: “Just checking in.”
Most of us are fortunate to have people who reach out when they observe us looking a little weary, worried, or concerned. It's a great blessing to be encircled by friends or colleagues who are attentive enough to know when something may not be quite right. It can be even more impactful when a whole community of people is invested in our well-being — such as a circle of friends, a community of faith, or a shared interest group.
At Adventist HealthCare, our team members are important in fulfilling this role for one another and our patients and their families. This willingness to make a personal connection fosters healing and health and is key to the fulfillment of our mission. Call it the “ministry of checking in.”
A Bible passage that reminds me of this ministry is Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (NIV). I love the idea that when even a small team of two or three gather, God shows up. God actively “checks in” so that we can then extend God's grace and compassion to others.
I believe that God is a real and powerful part of the care we deliver at Adventist HealthCare, impacting every aspect of what we do. I believe that God’s providence is enacted through our attentive minds, our skilled hands, and our compassionate hearts — as well as our careful stewardship of the right resources and the right environments for excellent care. It may start with just two or three, but I am overwhelmed when imagining the power unleashed through all of our hearts and hands joined together in dedicated service!
In my prayers each day — when I “check in” with God — I pray that every one of our Adventist HealthCare family members is OK. I pray that God will protect us and bless each person and every team — large or small — as we work together to become a means for compassionate healing. May God bless you in your “ministry of checking in.”
The original version of this commentary was posted by Adventist HealthCare.