As we enter a new year with Ten Days of Prayer, we asked 50 leading Adventists: "What is your prayer for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2015?" Here is what they said.
Read more about
the Ten Days of Prayer here and an update on the Ten Days here.
“I am praying for the Lord of the harvest to send out more teachers to our schools who love students as He loves them, and who embrace the redemptive purposes of Seventh-day Adventist education. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit would move on these teachers with creative power so that they could weave those redemptive threads into the lives of students. Our schools need more teachers at every level for whom teaching is ministry.”
, director, education department of the Adventist world church
"This year I’m praying that God would give us grace to press forward energetically with the evangelistic mission of the church—to preach the everlasting gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. Also, I am praying that we as believers in Jesus reflect His character to the world."
, speaker/director, It Is Written
“My New Year’s prayer request is that the Adventist Church keep its focus on mission and outreach. We are getting distracted by other issues, and we need to keep our focus on the mission for which we exist.”
, president, Hope Channel
“I pray for a church that falls more hopelessly in love with Jesus each day, and that this love will cause us to love each other as well as those who are outside the church. I pray that the love of Christ will spill over into our marriages and families. And I pray that His love will cause the church to handle our disagreements more agreeably. May we have more of Jesus in 2015!”
, speaker/director, Faith For Today
“I pray that all our leaders will practice the prayer of relinquishment—that is to surrender the right to themselves to Christ so that all decisions are not just guided, but initiated and directed by Him.
I pray that we, members of the living body of Christ, will recognize, receive and rely on the Holy Spirit.
I pray that all will avoid the real and present danger of worshiping prayer instead of praying because we worship.”
, professor of homiletics, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, and Adventist Review columnist.
Are you participating in the Ten Days of Prayer? Share your prayer or story in the comments section below and send your prayer-related photos to
Adventist Review news editor Andrew McChesney at [email protected].