A Unique Guide to Adventist Colleges and Universities
I invite you to take a few moments and acquaint yourself with the Adventist colleges and universities within the North American Division. They are each unique and as varied as their locations. Yet they share a sense of mission: to serve the church and prepare young people to serve their communities.
Within these pages you will see some of the amazing and outstanding ways that Adventist higher education has fulfilled its aim to serve the world. Our colleges and universities provide a world-class education, while helping students to grow in Christ and assist them in finding authentic avenues to use their skills to serve humanity.
Our institutions provide opportunities for our graduates to develop leadership skills and share the everlasting gospel of Jesus’ love to the world. Mission trips, outreach groups from campuses, evangelism, and peer-led Bible studies are only a few ways in which our colleges and universities inculcate vibrant and relevant ministry within their student bodies.
Every Adventist college or university has programs of superior academic rigor and renown. From schools of business to paleontology, from television production to British literature, academics are high quality, engaging, and rewarding. Our graduates are sought after by some of the most renowned institutions and businesses in the world.
I invite you to research Adventist higher education and see what we can help you achieve. If you are not looking to attend a college or university, I invite you to support our institutions; to pray with and for them. Adventist higher education is the fertile ground from which will spring our church’s leaders.
Larry Blackmer, Ed.D., is vice president of education for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.