May 17, 2023

‘This Journey Does Not End With This Series of Meetings’

Evangelistic series in Prague calls attendees to find hope and purpose in God’s Word.

Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review
Opening night of the evangelistic meetings in Prague, Czech Republic, on May 12. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]

Two weeks of evangelistic meetings in Prague, Czech Republic, kicked off on May 12 with a call to embark on a journey with Jesus that will know no end. Ted N. C. Wilson, president of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is the guest speaker for the meetings taking place at the Společenské centrum Bethany (Bethany Social Center). The Prague series is part of Christ for Europe, an unprecedented evangelistic initiative that will take place across the continent.

“In this world we live today, hope is a precious commodity. During this series we are on a journey, a journey to understand hope in God, hope in His Word, hope in His prophecies, and hope in God’s ultimate victory over sin,” Wilson said with the assistance of Rene Metz, his interpreter into Czech. “This world is in God’s hands, and ultimately, He will put an end to sickness and suffering and war.”

Wilson invited church members and visitors alike to go back to the Bible to find answers about their past, present, and future. He called them to venture into a journey with a beginning but no end. “This journey does not end with the end of the series of meetings,” Wilson said. “Even though I am a pastor, I am still in a journey with Jesus. So, we’ll take this journey through history and discover God’s plan for us.”

A Meaningful Place

At the beginning of his message, Wilson reminded his audience of the significance of the city where the meetings are taking place. “We are here in Prague, in Bohemia, the place where John Hus came from,” he said. “What a heritage you have in this location! What a legacy of being able to share God’s Word and stand faithful to what God has asked!”

Wilson emphasized that it is a privilege to follow in the footsteps of reformers like John Hus. And that it is an opportunity for all those who are willing. “Every one of us can be a faithful witness for God. Even if you are a timid person, God can use you in a powerful way. And [if you are of] those who have great enthusiasm and are outgoing and optimistic to reach people, God can use you too.”

Importance of the Series

The series in Prague is supported by Adventist World Radio, which has also partnered with various church regions to assist in hundreds of venues across the continent. It has also listed the support of Radim Passer, a lay Adventist church member and well-known Czech businessman with experience in outreach and mission initiatives across the Czech Republic and beyond. With a life story that has resulted in several books and a documentary, Passer will also be sharing tidbits about his life and the way God transformed him.

He has multiple contacts in the business world, where he openly shares that he is a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. Prague 4 city district mayor Ondřej Kubín was one of the special guests who attended the opening night of the series together with his wife.

Passer is also involved in Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries Europe (ASi Europe) and funds outreach initiatives through Maranatha,* an organization that in its 21 years of existence, has been involved in hundreds of different projects and activities in more than 50 countries.

“I am a disciple of Jesus,” Passer proclaims to anyone who would like to hear him. “And our hope is in Him.”

The Prague meetings have also enlisted the assistance of a carefully coordinated team of smiling church members. They include greeters, hosts, musicians, audio and visual volunteers, and many others.

The meetings will also be posted on YouTube for all those who want to watch or rewatch them, organizers said. Other venues across the Czech Republic are holding or will soon hold their own evangelistic series, including places in Jihlava, Mohelnice, Olomouc, Ostrava, and Zábřeh.

*Not to be confused with Maranatha Volunteers International.
