BY VIVENCIO R. BERMUDEZ, publishing director, Southern Asia-Pacific Division
In the southern Philippine city of Davao
housing for new literature evangelists (LEs), especially student literature
evangelists who serve during summer vacations, is always a problem.
Davao Mission addressed this challenge by building a dormitory for literature
evangelists. January 10, 2014, marked the ground-breaking ceremony of this
F. Faigao, General Conference Publishing director, attended the event, along
with leaders from the South Philippine Union and the Southern Asia-Pacific
Division, and the Davao Mission. When completed, the building will have space
for an Adventist Book Center /Home Health Education Services (ABC/HHES) office
and meeting place for daily devotionals and instruction.
than 200 literature evangelists and leaders witnessed the ceremony and
participated in a one-day revival and fellowship experience. The project,
substantially advancing for the publishing ministry, will cost approximately
a related event, a new publishing center has been built in the Southern
Mindanao Mission. The new building has an ABC/HHES office and a meeting place
for literature evangelists. Pastor Faigao indicated that the Mindanao building and the
construction in Davao will greatly encourage publishing leaders and literature
evangelists in the South Philippine Union.