The leader of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica, Everett Brown, told 3,000 participants
at a men’s conference that a man’s real purpose is to provide leadership in his
home and church, not simply to procreate.
"We are not defined by
our ability to produce the cell which is essential to procreate life. We are
not defined by the number of children we are able to father, the salary we earn
or the power and authority we have," Brown said at Northern Caribbean
University in Mandeville, Jamaica, on Sept. 7.
"We are men created in
the image of God and, if you choose to take on the role of husband and father,
you are expected to carry out the duties of a husband and father,” he said in remarks published by the country’s leading newspaper, the
Jamaica Gleaner. “But a man's
purpose in life goes far beyond his role as husband and father. … He is the
priest of his family."
Brown, president of the Jamaica
Union Conference, said a good man should “an agent of grace and agent of
positive change” at home and church, and he should work hard and pay his taxes
to the government.
“We need more good,
God-fearing men,” he said.
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