I will go into that church,” said John Taylor as he walked past the Avon Park,
Florida, church. Little did he know that he would one day become a member.
On a November
day in 2013, Alejandro Sarria, Bible worker for Avon Park Church, stopped by
Walmart intending to do a bit of shopping. He encountered John outside the
store asking for food, as his family was destitute. Alejandro invited the man
to come into Walmart, and he purchased several food items for the family.
As they
left the store, Alejandro asked John if he would like to have Bible studies.
Eagerly, the man accepted. After a series of studies, Pastor Frank Gonzalez
baptized John and his wife, Sherry Taylor, on January 18 into membership.
Where do
you find subjects for God’s kingdom? Look among friends and neighbors—and at
Walmart. “Cultivate an interest in people and an awareness of their needs,”
says Alejandro Sarria who has developed a habit of offering Bible studies to
everyone he meets.
Source: Florida Conference