Columbia Conference communication administrative assistant
The Blue Mountain
Valley Mission Church outreach team from Athena, Oregon, believes God will do a
mighty work on the Umatilla Indian Reservation, and team members are excited to
be a small part of it.
As members were
visiting people door to door to pass out invitations to a health seminar, they
met Kathleen. She was looking for a church to attend and was happy they stopped
by. She was new to the area and had been looking for a place to attend church
on Sabbath. She will be a new passenger on the church bus, making it a full bus
going to church each Sabbath.
Not only are more
coming to church each week, but more are taking Bible studies. “I met a young
man named Shane last fall,” says Mitch Hayes, mission church outreach
coordinator. “He was interested in studies, and when we dropped off studies to
him, he took them and went back inside quickly. One day he came out and had a
big smile on his face so I asked him how he was doing.”
Shane answered, “I’m
doing a lot better.”
When Hayes asked him
what he meant, Shane said, “First I quit smoking cigarettes, then I quit
drinking alcohol, and then I quit smoking marijuana, and it's all thanks to
God.” Shane praised God for sending the team out to his door to share the good
news with him. Shane and his brother plan to visit the church soon and are
continuing to study the Bible.
Hayes, along with Monte Church
and Paul Vivier, held a Native New Day seminar in April. They have been praying
for the people from Mission and the surrounding areas, that God will continue
to do a mighty work in Mission.