April 10, 2014

​US$1Million for TED 13th Sabbath Offering Projects ­ A New Record

It was with joy and a sense of awe that Bertil
Wiklander, President of the Trans-European Division (TED), received the good
news that the TED Thirteenth Sabbath School Offering projects will be supported
with more than US$1,000,000.

Gary Krause, director of the Office of Adventist
Mission at the General Conference, wrote the following: “You have probably
heard by now the good news that you will be receiving $US1,005,865 for your
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering projects. We are delighted that the 25 percent of
the fourth quarter 2013 that goes to Thirteenth Sabbath Offering projects broke
more than $US1 million for the first time in the history of the offering!”

Many places will benefit from the offerings to support
and establish new congregations by spreading the gospel through innovative
evangelistic ministries such as Bible 3D and Messy Church models. And new
evangelistic centers will be established in Greece and Macedonia.

“There is something about God’s people working
together as a world community that creates unique synergy -- an increased
effectiveness that results when two or more people or entities work together --
which is what God has called us to,” said Wiklander. He added, “God’s people
have displayed a heart of generosity in support of the Great Commission to make
God known in many parts of Europe. Without funding from this offering,
many of these worthy ministries could not be accomplished. On behalf of
the church in the TED, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to our world
church members for their commitment and support.”
