New Believers

“Count your blessings; name them one by one,” the old hymn urges. And while I can’t individually pause to pray over each subscriber to the Adventist Review who keeps this journal vibrant with your voice, your participation, and your prayers, I have no doubt that the greatest assets of this ministry are the thousands of readers who support this vital chronicle of God’s remnant church. I continue to be amazed at how God uses this magazine and the unique role it plays in inspiring and encouraging church members in North America and around the world.

This past year has been like no other in my 40 years of ministry, and certainly like no year in the 14 years I’ve served as editor of this journal. We’ve weathered the biggest public health crisis of our lifetimes. We’ve witnessed cutbacks in allocated budgets. We’ve watched as this denomination has faced some of the most tempestuous cultural and political winds this movement has ever experienced. Adventists across North America have grown uncertain about their future in congregations, and unsure about what witness will look like when the COVID-19 pandemic is finally behind us. But we’ve also witnessed how Jesus kept this ministry positive, inspiring, and growing at a time when many other journals have folded.

During this year, we’ve learned about hundreds of members of the worldwide family of Seventh-day Adventists who wouldn’t be in this movement today—or wouldn’t have stayed in it—were it not for your generous support of our ministry. I’m writing today to ask for your support in keeping that faith-building tradition alive. Each year since 1998, we’ve used your generous donations to send subscriptions to newly baptized members across North America who are looking for guidance and fellowship in their new faith family.

“Your gift of $50 builds up five new believers. Your contribution of $150 blesses 15. You could support the equivalent of a brand-new congregation of 100 believers for just $1,000.”

One way you can help them is by sharing with them the same faith-building content that the Adventist Review has been publishing for more than 170 years. 

Today, the
Adventist Review remains the most readable, accessible guide to Seventh-day Adventist faith and life available, and the ministry continues to expand in areas far beyond print. We now publish hundreds of bonus and news articles a year on the Web, (, as well as first-rate podcasts, videos (, and innovative experiences in virtual reality and augmented reality to reach new generations of believers. 

For 23 years, faithful
Adventist Review supporters like you have sponsored thousands of subscriptions for these New Believers each year.  You’ve helped them in that important first 12 months as an Adventist with faith-building, high-quality articles, devotional materials, and news on the platform of their choice. Your gift in sponsoring a New Believer subscription is pivotal to anchoring them in this movement in the coming year. 

Here’s how you can help join us to make such a difference in thousands of lives:

You can guarantee that a newly baptized Adventist gets a full year’s subscription—12 beautiful editions—of the print magazine, with all of its eye-catching, relevant news, doctrine, and inspiration, as well as full access to our digital subscription included with their free print journal. In addition to our text-based content, we are also including new audio and video content for thousands of New Believers. 

Your gift of $50 builds up five new believers. Your contribution of $150 blesses 15. You could support the equivalent of a brand-new congregation of 100 believers for just $1,000.

But in 2022, there’s something extra for all subscribers, including New Believers: General Conference Bulletins—delivered to their mailbox. 

You read that right. In June 2022, our team will be creating six unique Bulletins documenting all the news, witness, and fellowship of this twice-delayed GC Session so that all subscribers will receive 18 magazines— 12 of our journals and 6 special editions of the Adventist Review’s General Conference Bulletins. 

Thank you for caring. Thank you for praying. And thank you for giving to keep the witness going to a new generation of believers.

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Share the grace that has been extended to you.


Bill Knott

Executive Editor