March 1, 2022

Reading My Way Into Ministry

Where it all begins; and more . . .

Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste

Three distinct assignments that are key to each three distinct assignments that are key to each month’s edition fall to me: they are first engagement with authors, the monthly Spirit of Prophecy selections, and a monthly column by AR staff members.

Editorial Assessment Coordination

The first responsibility of an editorial assessment coordinator at ARMies is to do the first reading of all incoming manuscripts, categorizing them to determine under which editor’s portfolio they may be placed in the evaluation process. This allows one to get to “know” a bit about our authors, giving the opportunity to encourage them to keep writing and not become discouraged if their article wasn’t accepted at their first, or second or third attempt. Sometimes the coordinator offers helpful tips as to how they could make their article stronger, to write in a way that would capture the read- er’s attention. The privilege of tracking these articles through to publication or rejection gives occasion for joy at some writer’s success; sorrow too, or at least disappointment, when some writer’s hopes do not come to be. Corresponding with authors and acquiring their consent on the various publication documents, as well as sending out an honorarium and complementary copies of the magazine, is certainly a highlight. This engagement with our writers is a ministry all its own, an occasion for fanning the flame of our common love for Christ and deepening our longing for His soon return. Conversations that discuss the progress of the evaluation process for an author’s article may easily segue into our common interest in the progress of something much grander. These articles contribute to that event—the coming of our Lord’s eternal kingdom.

Spirit Of Prophecy Readings

Spirit of Prophecy readings are a regular feature of both of ARMies’ principal magazines. Selecting and editing the various articles for Adventist Review and Adventist World is an assignment that yields its own opportunity to minister. In prayer- fully searching through Ellen White’s volumes, the goal is to find a reading that is appropriate and applicable to the theme, as well as an inspiration to our readers.

In Other Words

All regular ARMies staff members also contribute to a column named In Other Words, referred to in-house as IOW. This writing assignment occurs on a rotational basis.

Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste is first assessor of editorial submissions: she says “Yes”; and “No”; and “Maybe.”
