Fitness is often thought of in the physical sense. We work for lean, conditioned muscles, better cardiorespiratory endurance and stamina, and flexibility, which makes our bodies less likely to become injured. But true fitness encompasses much more than the physical, especially for Christians. Looking at it from a whole-person standpoint, a healthy person is one who is on point in the physical, mental, and spiritual arenas.
To be physically fit, move more, lift heavy things, and stretch. To be mentally healthy, manage your stress, address your emotional needs, and pursue things that encourage happiness. But for spiritual health, exercise that most mighty of organs—your brain—to tune in to a deeper relationship with your Creator that, in turn, will easily enhance your mental and physical pursuits. So if you are up for 30-day challenge of the sort, read on.
Do not neglect the things that enhance physical fitness. Sleep enough, eat to nourish your body, move, and drink lots of water. Every day.
Commit to the entire 30 days. Studies have shown that good habits can be set for the long haul if you can successfully change a behavior for 21 days. We’re giving you 30 here, so make the most of them!
Remember the P’s: progress—not perfection—and positivity.
Divide up these activities throughout the course of your day as you see fit.
Follow this plan and post your feedback on Facebook. We’d love to hear from you, and encourage you too!
Start your morning with prayer, then set three spiritual goals of your choosing for the day,(i.e., encouraging someone, sharing a favorite text on social media, praying at specific times of day, etc.).
Challenge 1 Prayer Walk
Take a short walk or walks throughout the day during which you specifically pray about something. While walking is a great form of exercise that can be meditative in nature (especially if done outside), pay special attention to making these walks focused on prayers about specific things.
Challenge 2 Mentally Wrestle
If there are books of the Bible, or even spiritual topic books that you’ve found challenging in the past, commit to going through them in the next 30 days. Set aside 15-20 minutes (or more if you wish) of reading and reflection. Journal your thoughts and questions, and if anything really perplexes you, think on them in your prayer walk times.
Stretch and Soothe Psalms
The book of Psalms is a particularly emotional one with which many people may resonate. Choose 30 passages from the book to read and maybe commit to memory on a daily basis (it’s entirely up to you which ones and how to master them).
If it helps, create a checklist of these activities and mark your progress daily. At the end of the 30 days, where will you be?
Best wishes!