My 4-year-old grandson is a fairly good eater. His parents have encouraged him to eat all sorts of foods, and in general, he complies. But every now and again a new food is introduced, and he draws the line to even a small taste. What’s interesting is that he doesn’t differentiate between something that may truly taste horrible and what actually might be a nice treat. In doing so, he doesn’t realize he may be missing out on something really good.
People are sometimes like that with the Bible. They love a regular diet of the Gospels, Acts, Romans, and, perhaps, some Genesis and Psalms. But when asked to read something else, they push it away, determining without even “tasting” it.
So what kind of Bible reader are you? The new year is a great time to change your spiritual diet. Why not try reading the Bible through in a year—in 2021? Before you protest, I’m here to encourage you. I know because I used to be you. But I took the plunge, and lost track of the times I’ve read the Bible through, but I never tire of the experience. The Bible reads like a brand-new book every year.
The Adventist Review is including three different reading plans in this issue. Tear out your choice and try it. As you do, here are a few things to remember.
1Choose a plan that works for you. Ask yourself: What is your attention span? Do you like to read things in order? Are you interested in how things fit together? Pros and cons for the plans are provided. Select the one right for you.
2It’s OK to change your mind. Let’s say you decide on a plan, but it simply isn’t keeping your attention. That’s OK. Switch! But there is a limited time to do this. It’s easier to switch in January. Once you hit February, commit.
3You will fall behind. Sorry, let’s just get this out of the way. Things get busy, and you miss a day. Then you’re faced with a double reading, and you don’t finish it. Don’t get discouraged. Keep moving forward. Figure out a plan to get through the missing passages. This year I fell behind in Isaiah and Jeremiah. Not good. Big books with long chapters. I have a plan. It’s OK.
4Some books won’t appeal to you. Some books will become your favorites. Others won’t interest you. Read them anyway. You may be surprised which books appeal to you. Challenge yourself to find the message in each book.
5Try a different translation. I usually select a translation and stick with it for the year. It can offer a different perspective. If you find a particular book challenging, switch to another translation. It may help.
6Set a regular time. I read as I eat breakfast. It usually takes about 15-20 minutes to finish a reading, longer if I choose to linger. Don’t select a time you may be sleepy or distracted. Satan will be sure to bring interruptions. Don’t let him. Covet your time and do what is needed to dedicate that time completely to God. Think of it as a date.
7Beware of creating your own plan. I shouldn’t have to say this, but if you’re like me, who thinks, This can’t be that hard; I’ll do it myself, be warned. I actually did this for 2020. BIG mistake. I’m sticking with it, but it’s about to do me in; and it’s why I’m behind. Use what others have found to be tried and true.
One last word of encouragement: even though you are following a plan, God seems to provide the right scripture for the right time. It never ceases to amaze me that there is no situation I have encountered—whether joy, sorrow, frustration, or discouragement—that on that very day the passage I read spoke directly to me. Try doing this for 2021. You can do it. Taste and see!
The Canonical Plan reads straight through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
1. Genesis 1-3
2. Genesis 4-7
3. Genesis 8-11
4. Genesis 12-15
5. Genesis 16-18
6. Genesis 19-21
7. Genesis 22-24
8. Genesis 25-26
9. Genesis 27-29
10. Genesis 30-31
11. Genesis 32-34
12. Genesis 35-37
13. Genesis 38-40
14. Genesis 41-42
15. Genesis 43-45
16. Genesis 46-47
17. Genesis 48-50
18. Exodus 1-3
19. Exodus 4-6
20. Exodus 7-9
21. Exodus 10-12
22. Exodus 13-15
23. Exodus 16-18
24. Exodus 19-21
25. Exodus 22-24
26. Exodus 25-27
27. Exodus 28-29
28. Exodus 30-32
29. Exodus 33-35
30. Exodus 36-38
31. Exodus 39-40
32. Leviticus 1-4
33. Leviticus 5-7
34. Leviticus 8-10
35. Leviticus 11-13
36. Leviticus 14-15
37. Leviticus 16-18
38. Leviticus 19-21
39. Leviticus 22-23
40. Leviticus 24-25
41. Leviticus 26-27
42. Numbers 1-2
43. Numbers 3-4
44. Numbers 5-6
45. Numbers 7
46. Numbers 8-10
47. Numbers 11-13
48. Numbers 14-15
49. Numbers 16-17
50. Numbers 18-20
51. Numbers 21-22
52. Numbers 23-25
53. Numbers 26-27
54. Numbers 28-30
55. Numbers 31-32
56. Numbers 33-34
57. Numbers 35-36
58. Deuteronomy 1-2
59. Deuteronomy 3-4
60. Deuteronomy 5-7
61. Deuteronomy 8-10
62. Deuteronomy 11-13
63. Deuteronomy 14-16
64. Deuteronomy 17-20
65. Deuteronomy 21-23
66. Deuteronomy 24-27
67. Deuteronomy 28-29
68. Deuteronomy 30-31
69. Deuteronomy 32-34
70. Joshua 1-4
71. Joshua 5-8
72. Joshua 9-11
73. Joshua 12-15
74. Joshua 16-18
75. Joshua 19-21
76. Joshua 22-24
77. Judges 1-2
78. Judges 3-5
79. Judges 6-7
80. Judges 8-9
81. Judges 10-12
82. Judges 13-15
83. Judges 16-18
84. Judges 19-21
85. Ruth
86. 1 Samuel 1-3
87. 1 Samuel 4-8
88. 1 Samuel 9-12
89. 1 Samuel 13-14
90. 1 Samuel 15-17
91. 1 Samuel 18-20
92. 1 Samuel 21-24
93. 1 Samuel 25-27
94. 1 Samuel 28-31
95. 2 Samuel 1-3
96. 2 Samuel 4-7
97. 2 Samuel 8-12
98. 2 Samuel 13-15
99. 2 Samuel 16-18
100. 2 Samuel 19-21
101. 2 Samuel 22-24
102. 1 Kings 1-2
103. 1 Kings 3-5
104. 1 Kings 6-7
105. 1 Kings 8-9
106. 1 Kings 10-11
107. 1 Kings 12-14
108. 1 Kings 15-17
109. 1 Kings 18-20
110. 1 Kings 21-22
111. 2 Kings 1-3
112. 2 Kings 4-5
113. 2 Kings 6-8
114. 2 Kings 9-11
115. 2 Kings 12-14
116. 2 Kings 15-17
117. 2 Kings 18-19
118. 2 Kings 20-22
119. 2 Kings 23-25
120. 1 Chronicles 1-2
121. 1 Chronicles 3-5
122. 1 Chronicles 6
123. 1 Chronicles 7-8
124. 1 Chronicles 9-11
125. 1 Chronicles 12-14
126. 1 Chronicles 15-17
127. 1 Chronicles 18-21
128. 1 Chronicles 22-24
129. 1 Chronicles 25-27
130. 1 Chronicles 28–2 Chronicles 1
131. 2 Chronicles 2-5
132. 2 Chronicles 6-8
133. 2 Chronicles 9-12
134. 2 Chronicles 13-17
135. 2 Chronicles 18-20
136. 2 Chronicles 21-24
137. 2 Chronicles 25-27
138. 2 Chronicles 28-31
139. 2 Chronicles 32-34
140. 2 Chronicles 35-36
141. Ezra 1-3
142. Ezra 4-7
143. Ezra 8-10
144. Nehemiah 1-3
145. Nehemiah 4-6
146. Nehemiah 7
147. Nehemiah 8-9
148. Nehemiah 10-11
149. Nehemiah 12-13
150. Esther 1-5
151. Esther 6-10
152. Job 1-4
153. Job 5-7
154. Job 8-10
155. Job 11-13
156. Job 14-16
157. Job 17-20
158. Job 21-23
159. Job 24-28
160. Job 29-31
161. Job 32-34
162. Job 35-37
163. Job 38-39
164. Job 40-42
165. Psalms 1-8
166. Psalms 9-16
167. Psalms 17-20
168. Psalms 21-25
169. Psalms 26-31
170. Psalms 32-35
171. Psalms 36-39
172. Psalms 40-45
173. Psalms 46-50
174. Psalms 51-57
175. Psalms 58-65
176. Psalms 66-69
177. Psalms 70-73
178. Psalms 74-77
179. Psalms 78-79
180. Psalms 80-85
181. Psalms 86-89
182. Psalms 90-95
183. Psalms 96-102
184. Psalms 103-105
185. Psalms 106-107
186. Psalms 108-114
187. Psalms 115-118
188. Psalm 119
189. Psalms 120-125
190. Psalms 126-132
191. Psalms 133-139
192. Psalms 140-145
193. Psalms 146-150
194. Proverbs 1-3
195. Proverbs 4-6
196. Proverbs 7-9
197. Proverbs 10-12
198. Proverbs 13-15
199. Proverbs 16-18
200. Proverbs 19-21
201. Proverbs 22-23
202. Proverbs 24-26
203. Proverbs 27-29
204. Proverbs 30-31
205. Ecclesiastes 1-4
206. Ecclesiastes 5-8
207. Ecclesiastes 9-12
208. Song of Solomon
209. Isaiah 1-4
210. Isaiah 5-8
211. Isaiah 9-12
212. Isaiah 13-17
213. Isaiah 18-22
214. Isaiah 23-27
215. Isaiah 28-30
216. Isaiah 31-35
217. Isaiah 36-41
218. Isaiah 42-44
219. Isaiah 45-48
220. Isaiah 49-53
221. Isaiah 54-58
222. Isaiah 59-63
223. Isaiah 64-66
224. Jeremiah 1-3
225. Jeremiah 4-6
226. Jeremiah 7-9
227. Jeremiah 10-13
228. Jeremiah 14-17
229. Jeremiah 18-22
230. Jeremiah 23-25
231. Jeremiah 26-29
232. Jeremiah 30-31
233. Jeremiah 32-34
234. Jeremiah 35-37
235. Jeremiah 38-41
236. Jeremiah 42-45
237. Jeremiah 46-48
238. Jeremiah 49-50
239. Jeremiah 51-52
240. Lamentations 1-2
241. Lamentations 3-5
242. Ezekiel 1-4
243. Ezekiel 5-8
244. Ezekiel 9-12
245. Ezekiel 13-15
246. Ezekiel 16-17
247. Ezekiel 18-20
248. Ezekiel 21-22
249. Ezekiel 23-24
250. Ezekiel 25-27
251. Ezekiel 28-30
252. Ezekiel 31-33
253. Ezekiel 34-36
254. Ezekiel 37-39
255. Ezekiel 40-42
256. Ezekiel 43-45
257. Ezekiel 46-48
258. Daniel 1-3
259. Daniel 4-6
260. Daniel 7-9
261. Daniel 10-12
262. Hosea 1-7
263. Hosea 8-14
264. Joel
265. Amos 1-5
266. Amos 6-9
267. Obadiah, Jonah
268. Micah
269. Nahum
270. Habakkuk, Zephaniah
271. Haggai
272. Zechariah 1-7
273. Zechariah 8-14
274. Malachi
275. Matthew 1-4
276. Matthew 5-6
277. Matthew 7-8
278. Matthew 9-10
279. Matthew 11-12
280. Matthew 13-14
281. Matthew 15-17
282. Matthew 18-19
283. Matthew 20-21
284. Matthew 22-23
285. Matthew 24-25
286. Matthew 26
287. Matthew 27-28
288. Mark 1-3
289. Mark 4-5
290. Mark 6-7
291. Mark 8-9
292. Mark 10-11
293. Mark 12-13
294. Mark 14
295. Mark 15-16
296. Luke 1
297. Luke 2-3
298. Luke 4-5
299. Luke 6-7
300. Luke 8-9
301. Luke 10-11
302. Luke 12-13
303. Luke 14-16
304. Luke 17-18
305. Luke 19-20
306. Luke 21-22
307. Luke 23-24
308. John 1-2
309. John 3-4
310. John 5-6
311. John 7-8
312. John 9-10
313. John 11-12
314. John 13-15
315. John 16-18
316. John 19-21
317. Acts 1-3
318. Acts 4-6
319. Acts 7-8
320. Acts 9-10
321. Acts 11-13
322. Acts 14-15
323. Acts 16-17
324. Acts 18-20
325. Acts 21-23
326. Acts 24-26
327. Acts 27-28
328. Romans 1-3
329. Romans 4-7
330. Romans 8-10
331. Romans 11-13
332. Romans 14-16
333. 1 Corinthians 1-4
334. 1 Corinthians 5-8
335. 1 Corinthians 9-11
336. 1 Corinthians 12-14
337. 1 Corinthians 15-16
338. 2 Corinthians 1-4
339. 2 Corinthians 5-9
340. 2 Corinthians 10-13
341. Galatians 1-3
342. Galatians 4-6
343. Ephesians 1-3
344. Ephesians 4-6
345. Philippians
346. Colossians
347. 1 Thessalonians
348. 2 Thessalonians
349. 1 Timothy
350. 2 Timothy
351. Titus, Philemon
352. Hebrews 1-6
353. Hebrews 7-10
354. Hebrews 11-13
355. James
356. 1 Peter
357. 2 Peter
358. 1 John
359. 2 John, 3 John, Jude
360. Revelation 1-3
361. Revelation 4-8
362. Revelation 9-12
363. Revelation 13-16
364. Revelation 17-19
365. Revelation 20-22
This plan reads through the Bible according to when the recorded events actually occurred.
1. Genesis 1-3
2. Genesis 4-7
3. Genesis 8-11
4. Job 1-5
5. Job 6-9
6. Job 10-13
7. Job 14-16
8. Job 17-20
9. Job 21-23
10. Job 24-28
11. Job 29-31
12. Job 32-34
13. Job 35-37
14. Job 38-39
15. Job 40-42
16. Genesis 12-15
17. Genesis 16-18
18. Genesis 19-21
19. Genesis 22-24
20. Genesis 25-26
21. Genesis 27-29
22. Genesis 30-31
23. Genesis 32-34
24. Genesis 35-37
25. Genesis 38-40
26. Genesis 41-42
27. Genesis 43-45
28. Genesis 46-47
29. Genesis 48-50
30. Exodus 1-3
31. Exodus 4-6
32. Exodus 7-9
33. Exodus 10-12
34. Exodus 13-15
35. Exodus 16-18
36. Exodus 19-21
37. Exodus 22-24
38. Exodus 25-27
39. Exodus 28-29
40. Exodus 30-32
41. Exodus 33-35
42. Exodus 36-38
43. Exodus 39-40
44. Leviticus 1-4
45. Leviticus 5-7
46. Leviticus 8-10
47. Leviticus 11-13
48. Leviticus 14-15
49. Leviticus 16-18
50. Leviticus 19-21
51. Leviticus 22-23
52. Leviticus 24-25
53. Leviticus 26-27
54. Numbers 1-2
55. Numbers 3-4
56. Numbers 5-6
57. Numbers 7
58. Numbers 8-10
59. Numbers 11-13
60. Numbers 14-15. Psalm 90
61. Numbers 16-17
62. Numbers 18-20
63. Numbers 21-22
64. Numbers 23-25
65. Numbers 26-27
66. Numbers 28-30
67. Numbers 31-32
68. Numbers 33-34
69. Numbers 35-36
70. Deuteronomy 1-2
71. Deuteronomy 3-4
72. Deuteronomy 5-7
73. Deuteronomy 8-10
74. Deuteronomy 11-13
75. Deuteronomy 14-16
76. Deuteronomy 17-20
77. Deuteronomy 21-23
78. Deuteronomy 24-27
79. Deuteronomy 28-29
80. Deuteronomy 30-31
81. Deuteronomy 32-34. Psalm 91
82. Joshua 1-4
83. Joshua 5-8
84. Joshua 9-11
85. Joshua 12-15
86. Joshua 16-18
87. Joshua 19-21
88. Joshua 22-24
89. Judges 1-2
90. Judges 3-5
91. Judges 6-7
92. Judges 8-9
93. Judges 10-12
94. Judges 13-15
95. Judges 16-18
96. Judges 19-21
97. Ruth
98. 1 Samuel 1-3
99. 1 Samuel 4-8
100. 1 Samuel 9-12
101. 1 Samuel 13-14
102. 1 Samuel 15-17
103. 1 Samuel 18-20. Psalm 11. Psalm 59
104. 1 Samuel 21-24
105. Psalm 7. Psalm 27. Psalm 31. Psalm 34. Psalm 52
106. Psalm 56. Psalm 120. Psalms 140-142
107. 1 Samuel 25-27
108. Psalm 17. Psalm 35. Psalm 54. Psalm 63
109. 1 Samuel 28-31. Psalm 18
110. Psalms 121, 123-125, 128-130
111. 2 Samuel 1-4
112. Psalms 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21
113. 1 Chronicles 1-2
114. Psalms 43-45, 49, 84-85, 87
115. 1 Chronicles 3-5
116. Psalms 73, 77-78
117. 1 Chronicles 6
118. Psalm 81. Psalm 88. Psalms 92-93
119. 1 Chronicles 7-10
120. Psalms 102-104
121. 2 Samuel 5. 1 Chronicles 11-12
122. Psalm 133
123. Psalms 106-107
124. 1 Chronicles 13-16
125. Psalms 1-2Psalm 15Psalms 22-24Psalm 47Psalm 68
126. Psalm 89. Psalm 96. Psalms 100-101. Psalm 105. Psalm 132
127. 2 Samuel 6-7. 1 Chronicles 17
128. Psalm 25. Psalm 29. Psalm 33. Psalm 36. Psalm 39
129. 2 Samuel 8-9. 1 Chronicles 18
130. Psalms 50. Psalms 53. Psalms 60. Psalms 75
131. 2 Samuel 10. 1 Chronicles 19. Psalm 20
132. Psalms 65-67. Psalms 69-70
133. 2 Samuel 11-12. 1 Chronicles 20
134. Psalm 32. Psalm 51. Psalm 86. Psalm 122
135. 2 Samuel 13-15
136. Psalms 3-4. Psalms 12-13. Psalm 28. Psalm 55
137. 2 Samuel 16-18
138. Psalm 26Psalm 40Psalm 58Psalms 61-62Psalm 64
139. 2 Samuel 19-21
140. Psalm 5. Psalm 38. Psalms 41-42
141. 2 Samuel 22-23. Psalm 57
142. Psalm 95. Psalms 97-99
143. 2 Samuel 24. 1 Chronicles 21-22. Psalm 30
144. Psalms 108-110
145. 1 Chronicles 23-25
146. Psalm 131. Psalms 138-139. Psalms 143-145
147. 1 Chronicles 26-29. Psalm 127
148. Psalms 111-118
149. 1 Kings 1-2. Psalm 37. Psalm 71. Psalm 94
150. Psalm 119
151. 1 Kings 3-4
152. 2 Chronicles 1. Psalm 72
153. Song of Solomon
154. Proverbs 1-3
155. Proverbs 4-6
156. Proverbs 7-9
157. Proverbs 10-12
158. Proverbs 13-15
159. Proverbs 16-18
160. Proverbs 19-21
161. Proverbs 22-24
162. 1 Kings 5-6. 2 Chronicles 2-3
163. 1 Kings 7. 2 Chronicles 4
164. 1 Kings 8. 2 Chronicles 5
165. 2 Chronicles 6-7. Psalm 136
166. Psalm 134. Psalms 146-150
167. 1 Kings 9. 2 Chronicles 8
168. Proverbs 25-26
169. Proverbs 27-29
170. Ecclesiastes 1-6
171. Ecclesiastes 7-12
172. 1 Kings 10-11. 2 Chronicles 9
173. Proverbs 30-31
174. 1 Kings 12-14
175. 2 Chronicles 10-12
176. 1 Kings 15. 2 Chronicles 13-16
177. 1 Kings 16. 2 Chronicles 17
178. 1 Kings 17-19
179. 1 Kings 20-21
180. 1 Kings 22. 2 Chronicles 18
181. 2 Chronicles 19-23
182. Obadiah. Psalms 82-83
183. 2 Kings 1-4
184. 2 Kings 5-8
185. 2 Kings 9-11
186. 2 Kings 12-13. 2 Chronicles 24
187. 2 Kings 14. 2 Chronicles 25
188. Jonah
189. 2 Kings 15. 2 Chronicles 26
190. Isaiah 1-4
191. Isaiah 5-8
192. Amos 1-5
193. Amos 6-9
194. 2 Chronicles 27. Isaiah 9-12
195. Micah
196. 2 Chronicles 28. 2 Kings 16-17
197. Isaiah 13-17
198. Isaiah 18-22
199. Isaiah 23-27
200. 2 Kings 18. 2 Chronicles 29-31. Psalm 48
201. Hosea 1-7
202. Hosea 8-14
203. Isaiah 28-30
204. Isaiah 31-34
205. Isaiah 35-36
206. Isaiah 37-39. Psalm 76
207. Isaiah 40-43
208. Isaiah 44-48
209. 2 Kings 19. Psalm 46. Psalm 80. Psalm 135
210. Isaiah 49-53
211. Isaiah 54-58
212. Isaiah 59-63
213. Isaiah 64-66
214. 2 Kings 20-21
215. 2 Chronicles 32-33
216. Nahum
2 Kings 22-23. 2 Chronicles 34-35
218. Zephaniah
219. Jeremiah 1-3
220. Jeremiah 4-6
221. Jeremiah 7-9
222. Jeremiah 10-13
223. Jeremiah 14-17
224. Jeremiah 18-22
225. Jeremiah 23-25
226. Jeremiah 26-29
227. Jeremiah 30-31
228. Jeremiah 32-34
229. Jeremiah 35-37
230. Jeremiah 38-40. Psalm 74. Psalm 79
231. 2 Kings 24-25. 2 Chronicles 36
232. Habakkuk
233. Jeremiah 41-45
234. Jeremiah 46-48
235. Jeremiah 49-50
236. Jeremiah 51-52
237. Lamentations 1-2
238. Lamentations 3-5
239. Ezekiel 1-4
240. Ezekiel 5-8
241. Ezekiel 9-12
242. Ezekiel 13-15
243. Ezekiel 16-17
244. Ezekiel 18-20
245. Ezekiel 21-22
246. Ezekiel 23-24
247. Ezekiel 25-27
248. Ezekiel 28-30
249. Ezekiel 31-33
250. Ezekiel 34-36
251. Ezekiel 37-39
252. Ezekiel 40-42
253. Ezekiel 43-45
254. Ezekiel 46-48
255. Joel
256. Daniel 1-3
257. Daniel 4-6
258. Daniel 7-9
259. Daniel 10-12
260. Ezra 1-3
261. Ezra 4-6. Psalm 137
262. Haggai
263. Zechariah 1-4
264. Zechariah 5-9
265. Zechariah 10-14
266. Esther 1-5
267. Esther 6-10
268. Ezra 7-10
269. Nehemiah 1-5
270. Nehemiah 6-7
271. Nehemiah 8-10
272. Nehemiah 11-13. Psalm 126
273. Malachi
274. Luke 1. John 1
275. Matthew 1. Luke 2
276. Matthew 2
277. Matthew 3. Mark 1. Luke 3
278. Matthew 4. Luke 4-5
279. John 2-4
280. Matthew 8. Mark 2
281. John 5
282. Matthew 12. Mark 3. Luke 6
283. Matthew 5-7
284. Matthew 9. Luke 7
285. Matthew 11
286. Luke 11
287. Matthew 13: Luke 8
288. Mark 4-5
289. Matthew 10
290. Matthew 14. Mark 6. Luke 9
291. John 6
292. Matthew 15. Mark 7
293. Matthew 16. Mark 8
294. Matthew 17. Mark 9
295. Matthew 18
296. John 7-8
297. John 9-10
298. Luke 10
299. Luke 12-13
300. Luke 14-15
301. Luke 16-17
302. John 11
303. Luke 18
304. Matthew 19. Mark 10
305. Matthew 20-21
306. Luke 19
307. Mark 11. John 12
308. Matthew 22. Mark 12
309. Matthew 23. Luke 20-21
310. Mark 13
311. Matthew 24
312. Matthew 25
313. Matthew 26. Mark 14
314. Luke 22. John 13
315. John 14-17
316. Matthew 27. Mark 15
317. Luke 23. John 18-19
318. Matthew 28. Mark 16
319. Luke 24. John 20-21
320. Acts 1-3
321. Acts 4-6
322. Acts 7-8
323. Acts 9-10
324. Acts 11-12
325. Acts 13-14
326. James
327. Acts 15-16
328. Galatians 1-3
329. Galatians 4-6
330. Acts 17
331. 1 and 2 Thessalonians
332. Acts 18-19
333. 1 Corinthians 1-4
334. 1 Corinthians 5-8
335. 1 Corinthians 9-11
336. 1 Corinthians 12-14
337. 1 Corinthians 15-16
338. 2 Corinthians 1-4
339. 2 Corinthians 5-9
340. 2 Corinthians 10-13
341. Romans 1-3
342. Romans 4-7
343. Romans 8-10
344. Romans 11-13
345. Romans 14-16
346. Acts 20-23
347. Acts 24-26
348. Acts 27-28
349. Colossians. Philemon
350. Ephesians
351. Philippians
352. 1 Timothy
353. Titus
354. 1 Peter
355. Hebrews 1-6
356. Hebrews 7-10
357. Hebrews 11-13
358. 2 Timothy
359. 2 Peter, Jude
360. 1 John
361. 2 John. 3 John
362. Revelation 1-5
363. Revelation 6-11
364. Revelation 12-18
365. Revelation 19-22
This plan reads the Old and New Testaments simultaneously.
1. Genesis 1-3. Matthew 1
2. Genesis 4-6. Matthew 2
3. Genesis 7-9. Matthew 3
4. Genesis 10-12. Matthew 4
5. Genesis 13-15
6. Genesis 16-17. Matthew 5
7. Genesis 18-19. Matthew 6
8. Genesis 20-22
9. Genesis 23-24. Matthew 7
10. Genesis 25-26
11. Genesis 27-28. Matthew 8
12. Genesis 29-30. Matthew 9
13. Genesis 31-32
14. Genesis 33-35. Matthew 10
15. Genesis 36-38
16. Genesis 39-40. Matthew 11
17. Genesis 41-42. Matthew 12
18. Genesis 43-45
19. Genesis 46-48
20. Genesis 49-50. Matthew 13
21. Exodus 1-3. Matthew 14
22. Exodus 4-6
23. Exodus 7-8. Matthew 15
24. Exodus 9-11
25. Exodus 12-13. Matthew 16
26. Exodus 14-15. Matthew 17
27. Exodus 16-18
28. Exodus 19-20. Matthew 18
29. Exodus 21-22. Matthew 19
30. Exodus 23-24. Matthew 20
31. Exodus 25-26
32. Exodus 27-28. Matthew 21
33. Exodus 29-30
34. Exodus 31-33
35. Exodus 34-35. Matthew 22
36. Exodus 36-38
37. Exodus 39-40. Matthew 23
38. Leviticus 1-3
39. Leviticus 4-5. Matthew 24
40. Leviticus 6-7. Matthew 25
41. Leviticus 8-10
42. Leviticus 11-12
43. Leviticus 13. Matthew 26
44. Leviticus 14
45. Leviticus 15-16
46. Leviticus 17-18. Matthew 27
47. Leviticus 19-20
48. Leviticus 21-22. Matthew 28
49. Leviticus 23-24
50. Leviticus 25. Mark 1
51. Leviticus 26-27. Mark 2
52. Numbers 1-2. Mark 3
53. Numbers 3-4
54. Numbers 5-6. Mark 4
55. Numbers 7-8
56. Numbers 9-11
57. Numbers 12-14. Mark 5
58. Numbers 15-16. Mark 6
59. Numbers 17-19
60. Numbers 20-22
61. Numbers 23-25. Mark 7
62. Numbers 26-28. Mark 8
63. Numbers 29-31. Mark 9
64. Numbers 32-34
65. Numbers 35-36. Mark 10
66. Deuteronomy 1-3
67. Deuteronomy 4-6. Mark 11
68. Deuteronomy 7-9
69. Deuteronomy 10-12. Mark 12
70. Deuteronomy 13-15
71. Deuteronomy 16-18. Mark 13
72. Deuteronomy 19-21
73. Deuteronomy 22-24
74. Deuteronomy 25-27. Mark 14
75. Deuteronomy 28-29
76. Deuteronomy 30-31. Mark 15
77. Deuteronomy 32-34
78. Joshua 1-3. Mark 16
79. Joshua 4-7
80. Joshua 8-10
81. Joshua 11-13
82. Joshua 14-15. Luke 1
83. Joshua 16-18. Luke 2
84. Joshua 19-21
85. Joshua 22-24. Luke 3
86. Judges 1-3. Luke 4
87. Judges 4-6
88. Judges 7-8. Luke 5
89. Judges 9-10
90. Judges 11-12. Luke 6
91. Judges 13-15
92. Judges 16-18. Luke 7
93. Judges 19-21
94. Ruth
95. 1 Samuel 1-3. Luke 8
96. 1 Samuel 4-7
97. 1 Samuel 8-10
98. 1 Samuel 11-12. Luke 9
99. 1 Samuel 13-14
100. 1 Samuel 15-16. Luke 10
101. 1 Samuel 17-18. Luke 11
102. 1 Samuel 19-21
103. 1 Samuel 22-24
104. 1 Samuel 25-26. Luke 12
105. 1 Samuel 27-29
106. 1 Samuel 30-31. Luke 13
107. 2 Samuel 1-2. Luke 14
108. 2 Samuel 3-5
109. 2 Samuel 6-8
110. 2 Samuel 9-11. Luke 15
111. 2 Samuel 12-13. Luke 16
112. 2 Samuel 14-15. Luke 17
113. 2 Samuel 16-18
114. 2 Samuel 19-20. Luke 18
115. 2 Samuel 21-22
116. 2 Samuel 23-24. Luke 19
117. 1 Kings 1-2
118. 1 Kings 3-5. Luke 20
119. 1 Kings 6-7
120. 1 Kings 8-9
121. 1 Kings 10-11. Luke 21
122. 1 Kings 12-13
123. 1 Kings 14-15. Luke 22
124. 1 Kings 16-18
125. 1 Kings 19-20. Luke 23
126. 1 Kings 21-22
127. 2 Kings 1-3
128. 2 Kings 4-6. Luke 24
129. 2 Kings 7-9
130. 2 Kings 10-12. John 1
131. 2 Kings 13-14. John 2
132. 2 Kings 15-16. John 3
133. 2 Kings 17-18
134. 2 Kings 19-21
135. 2 Kings 22-23. John 4
136. 2 Kings 24-25. John 5
137. 1 Chronicles 1-3
138. 1 Chronicles 4-7
139. 1 Chronicles 8-10
140. 1 Chronicles 11-12. John 6
141. 1 Chronicles 13-15. John 7
142. 1 Chronicles 16-18
143. 1 Chronicles 19-21. John 8
144. 1 Chronicles 22-24
145. 1 Chronicles 25-27
146. 1 Chronicles 28-29. John 9
147. 2 Chronicles 1-3. John 10
148. 2 Chronicles 4-6
149. 2 Chronicles 7-9
150. 2 Chronicles 10-12. John 11
151. 2 Chronicles 13-14
152. 2 Chronicles 15-16. John 12
153. 2 Chronicles 17-18. John 13
154. 2 Chronicles 19-20
155. 2 Chronicles 21-22. John 14
156. 2 Chronicles 23-24. John 15
157. 2 Chronicles 25-27. John 16
158. 2 Chronicles 28-29. John 17
159. 2 Chronicles 30-31. John 18
160. 2 Chronicles 32-33
161. 2 Chronicles 34-36. John 19
162. Ezra 1-2
163. Ezra 3-5. John 20
164. Ezra 6-8. John 21
165. Ezra 9-10. Acts 1
166. Nehemiah 1-3
167. Nehemiah 4-6. Acts 2
168. Nehemiah 7-9. Acts 3
169. Nehemiah 10-11. Acts 4
170. Nehemiah 12-13
171. Esther 1-2. Acts 5
172. Esther 3-5
173. Esther 6-8. Acts 6
174. Esther 9-10. Acts 7
175. Job 1-2
176. Job 3-4
177. Job 5-7. Acts 8
178. Job 8-10
179. Job 11-13. Acts 9
180. Job 14-16
181. Job 17-19
182. Job 20-21. Acts 10
183. Job 22-24. Acts 11
184. Job 25-27. Acts 12
185. Job 28-29. Acts 13
186. Job 30-31
187. Job 32-33. Acts 14
188. Job 34-35. Acts 15
189. Job 36-37
190. Job 38-40
191. Job 41-42. Acts 16
192. Psalms 1-3. Acts 17
193. Psalms 4-6
194. Psalms 7-9. Acts 18
195. Psalms 10-12
196. Psalms 13-15. Acts 19
197. Psalms 16-17. Acts 20
198. Psalms 18-19
199. Psalms 20-22
200. Psalms 23-25. Acts 21
201. Psalms 26-28. Acts 22
202. Psalms 29-30. Acts 23
203. Psalms 31-32
204. Psalms 33-34. Acts 24
205. Psalms 35-36. Acts 25
206. Psalms 37-39. Acts 26
207. Psalms 40-42. Acts 27
208. Psalms 43-45
209. Psalms 46-48. Acts 28
210. Psalms 49-50. Romans 1
211. Psalms 51-53. Romans 2
212. Psalms 54-56. Romans 3
213. Psalms 57-59. Romans 4
214. Psalms 60-62. Romans 5
215. Psalms 63-65. Romans 6
216. Psalms 66-67. Romans 7
217. Psalms 68-69
218. Psalms 70-71. Romans 8
219. Psalms 72-73. Romans 9
220. Psalms 74-76
221. Psalms 77-78. Romans 10
222. Psalms 79-80. Romans 11
223. Psalms 81-83
224. Psalms 84-86. Romans 12
225. Psalms 87-88. Romans 13
226. Psalms 89-90. Romans 14
227. Psalms 91-93. Romans 15
228. Psalms 94-96
229. Psalms 97-99. Romans 16
230. Psalms 100-102. 1 Corinthians 1
231. Psalms 103-104. 1 Corinthians 2
232. Psalms 105-106. 1 Corinthians 3
233. Psalms 107-109. 1 Corinthians 4
234. Psalms 110-112. 1 Corinthians 5
235. Psalms 113-115. 1 Corinthians 6
236. Psalms 116-118. 1 Corinthians 7
237. Psalm 119
238. Psalm 120. 1 Corinthians 8
239. Psalms 121-122. 1 Corinthians 9
240. Psalms 123-125. 1 Corinthians 10
241. Psalms 126-128
242. Psalms 129-131. 1 Corinthians 11
243. Psalms 132-134
244. Psalms 135-136. 1 Corinthians 12
245. Psalms 137-139. 1 Corinthians 13
246. Psalms 140-142
247. Psalms 143-145. 1 Corinthians 14
248. Psalms 146-147. 1 Corinthians 15
249. Psalms 148-150
250. Proverbs 1-2. 1 Corinthians 16
251. Proverbs 3-5. 2 Corinthians 1
252. Proverbs 6-7. 2 Corinthians 2
253. Proverbs 8-9. 2 Corinthians 3
254. Proverbs 10-12. 2 Corinthians 4
255. Proverbs 13-15. 2 Corinthians 5
256. Proverbs 16-18. 2 Corinthians 6
257. Proverbs 19-21. 2 Corinthians 7
258. Proverbs 22-24. 2 Corinthians 8
259. Proverbs 25-26. 2 Corinthians 9
260. Proverbs 27-29. 2 Corinthians 10
261. Proverbs 30-31. 2 Corinthians 11
262. Ecclesiastes 1-3
263. Ecclesiastes 4-6. 2 Corinthians 12
264. Ecclesiastes 7-9. 2 Corinthians 13
265. Ecclesiastes 10-12. Galatians 1
266. Song of Songs 1-3. Galatians 2
267. Song of Songs 4-5. Galatians 3
268. Song of Songs 6-8. Galatians 4
269. Isaiah 1-2. Galatians 5
270. Isaiah 3-4. Galatians 6
271. Isaiah 5-6. Ephesians 1
272. Isaiah 7-8. Ephesians 2
273. Isaiah 9-10. Ephesians 3
274. Isaiah 11-13. Ephesians 4
275. Isaiah 14-16
276. Isaiah 17-19. Ephesians 5
277. Isaiah 20-22. Ephesians 6
278. Isaiah 23-25. Philippians 1
279. Isaiah 26-27. Philippians 2
Isaiah 28-29. Philippians 3
281. Isaiah 30-31. Philippians 4
282. Isaiah 32-33. Colossians 1
283. Isaiah 34-36. Colossians 2
284. Isaiah 37-38. Colossians 3
285. Isaiah 39-40. Colossians 4
286. Isaiah 41-42. 1 Thessalonians 1
287. Isaiah 43-44. 1 Thessalonians 2
288. Isaiah 45-46. 1 Thessalonians 3
289. Isaiah 47-49. 1 Thessalonians 4
290. Isaiah 50-52. 1 Thessalonians 5
291. Isaiah 53-55. 2 Thessalonians 1
292. Isaiah 56-58. 2 Thessalonians 2
293. Isaiah 59-61. 2 Thessalonians 3
294. Isaiah 62-64. 1 Timothy 1
295. Isaiah 65-66. 1 Timothy 2
296. Jeremiah 1-2. 1 Timothy 3
297. Jeremiah 3-5. 1 Timothy 4
298. Jeremiah 6-8. 1 Timothy 5
299. Jeremiah 9-11. 1 Timothy 6
300. Jeremiah 12-14. 2 Timothy 1
301. Jeremiah 15-17. 2 Timothy 2
302. Jeremiah 18-19. 2 Timothy 3
303. Jeremiah 20-21. 2 Timothy 4
304. Jeremiah 22-23. Titus 1
305. Jeremiah 24-26. Titus 2
306. Jeremiah 27-29. Titus 3
307. Jeremiah 30-31. Philemon
308. Jeremiah 32-33. Hebrews 1
309. Jeremiah 34-36. Hebrews 2
310. Jeremiah 37-39. Hebrews 3
311. Jeremiah 40-42. Hebrews 4
312. Jeremiah 43-45. Hebrews 5
313. J. eremiah 46- 47. Hebrews 6
314. Jeremiah 48-49. Hebrews 7
315. Jeremiah 50. Hebrews 8
316. Jeremiah 51-52. Hebrews 9
317. Lamentations 1-2. Hebrews 10
318. Lamentations 3-5
319. Ezekiel 1-2
320. Ezekiel 3-4. Hebrews 11
321. Ezekiel 5-7. Hebrews 12
322. Ezekiel 8-10. Hebrews 13
323. Ezekiel 11-13. James 1
324. Ezekiel 14-15. James 2
325. Ezekiel 16-17. James 3
326. Ezekiel 18-19. James 4
327. Ezekiel 20-21. James 5
328. Ezekiel 22-23. 1 Peter 1
329. Ezekiel 24-26. 1 Peter 2
330. Ezekiel 27-29. 1 Peter 3
331. Ezekiel 30-32. 1 Pete r 4
332. Ezekiel 33-34. 1 Peter 5
333. Ezekiel 35-36. 2 Peter 1
334. Ezekiel 37-39. 2 Peter 2
335. Ezekiel 40-41. 2 Peter 3
336. Ezekiel 42-44. 1 John 1
337. Ezekiel 45-46. 1 John 2
338. Ezekiel 47-48. 1 John 3
339. Daniel 1-2. 1 John 4
340. Daniel 3-4. 1 John 5
341. Daniel 5-7. 2 John
342. Daniel 8-10. 3 John
343. Daniel 11-12. Jude
344. Hosea 1-4. Revelation 1
345. Hosea 5-8. Revelation 2
346. Hosea 9-11. Revelation 3
347. Hosea 12-14. Revelation 4
348. Joel. Revelation 5
349. Amos 1-3. Revelation 6
350. Amos 4-6. Revelation 7
351. Amos 7-9. Revelation 8
352. Obadiah. Revelation 9
353. Jonah. Revelation 10
354. Micah 1-3. Revelation 11
355. Micah 4-5. Revelation 12
356. Micah 6-7. Revelation 13
357. Nahum. Revelation 14
358. Habakkuk. Revelation 15
359. Zephaniah. Revelation 16
360. Haggai. Revelation 17
361. Zechariah 1-4. Revelation 18
362. Zechariah 5-8. Revelation 19
363. Zechariah 9-12. Revelation 20
364. Zechariah 13-14. Revelation 21
365. Malachi 1-4. Revelation 22
By Merle Poirier, Operations Manager, Adventist Review Ministries