Just wanted to say I felt Shawn Brace really took the words out of my mouth with his December column about his love affair with Adventist theology. And it was so refreshing to hear this take from someone else in my age bracket. So often I find myself in his category and feeling a need to defend my love for our theology while listening to my peers get stuck on the “secondary and inconsequential matters” he acknowl- edges. Thanks for the encouragement, Shawn.
Jaclyn Knight, New Market, Virginia
Let me say how timely was the excellent edition of the December Review to bring back the main purpose and meaning of Christmas, which is the celebra- tion of the Saviour’s birth, sadly completely forgotten today by the media. Ellen White said that He was not entrusted to wealthy parents; they gave a humble offering when He was dedicated in the temple. What a paradox of the waste of expensive gifts today! I was happy to see in the January Review that the editor is challenging each one of us to make covenants, not just resolutions, and I believe that our covenant for the new year comes from the great apostle Paul: “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth in insight” (Phil. 1:9, NIV), which was the message of our Saviour when He came down. He left heaven, offered His life, victoriously conquered sin, and eternal life was available again to humanity!
Leo Ranzolin, Sr., Estero, Florida
I took the liberty to cut and paste the article “Accentuate the Positive,” by Dr. Landless and Dr. Charles-Marcel, in the January issue and printed it on impres- sive paper to hand out to my Sabbath School class family. Lots of good stuff to do as we edge our way into 2022. Thanks.
Robert Rouillard, Lakewood, Washington
Thank you, Shawn Brace, for expressing my sentiments even more accurately than I could have (December 2021 issue)! I have been so blessed by so many teachers, pastors, and Adventist journals; I am indeed called to invite all I meet into the same joy. May God continue to bless you and the Adventist Review, which does so well in cheering us on the way!
Lynn Baerg
I love the Adventist Church because they are spreading the true teachings of God.
Vincent Gwaya
I am very happy to be part of a church that saves lives by providing an effective vaccine for COVID. I pray each day that our elected church leaders do not succumb to the temptation to listen to the often very loud sophist logic. Loma Linda University has done an excellent job of providing data and clear explanations of the data that show the safety and effective- ness of COVID vaccines. There are rare reactions and there are breakthrough cases, but as a recent president has said, the vaccines are effective and do a very good job of preventing serious cases and death.
Duane C. McBride
Awesome ministry! God bless you, and I hope this program spreads across the United States.
Charles Mills, I was touched by reading this article. You have a gift.
Sylvia Gabrys
I am a retired North American Division pastor and educator. This is excellent news! I congratu- late our leaders who have the foresight of doing what they can to help with the needs of our future pastors! Practical experience will enable them to be better master’s students, as well as solidify their calling to pastoral ministry.
Edwin Gibbons
Brought tears to my eyes to see how God works through us, His church. Congratulations to the Campion Academy community and welcome to the Tesdardi family.
Sone Mariner
Beautiful story. God works things according to His will. May His name be honored.
Roselyn Oneka
This is the flesh and bones of witness.
Kevin James
Kudos to Shawnee Mission! And to the respiratory team!
Dan L. Kelly
After preaching this once, a 10-year-old boy was afraid gifts and celebrations would be stopped at his house. I now try to emphasize that celebrating God’s entry into the human family is now authenticated. There’s more reason to celebrate than ever!
David. E. Smith
Six years later I’m still coming back to this article. Thanks, Bill.
Jarod Thomas
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].