What a privilege it is for me to write and let you know how much I appreciate receiving the Adventist Review. It has helped me to understand the times and seasons we are living in. Each article stirs my heart to want more and more of God’s Word in my life. I truly have been blessed and edified by reading the magazine. I appreciate the great work everyone is doing at Adventist Review. The message conveyed has been a great source of nourishment and energy for all readers. May God’s grace abound more as you all keep making the magazine.
Kenneth Wells, Jr.
I was delighted to see Gerald Klingbeil’s book review of Song of the Himalayas, by Abigail Follows. This is the most inspiring book I’ve ever read. I have followed this gifted writer since before she went on her first Adventist Frontier Missions assignment. Abigail’s recent Review article “The Son Shall Set You Free (Even From Your Phone)” is much needed in our tech-addicted society.
LaRenne Lacey
Wenatchee, Washington
I want to thank the Review and commend Ms. Krause for the excellent article on voting. This piece is one of the very best I have ever read in our publications. With rare attention to detail and sophistication in the grasp of a very challenging topic, Ms. Krause has given great clarity to how this exercise of voting should be approached. First, we need to come from the depths of a truly identified place in Christ not allowing for political formations of our faith. Indeed, as stated, it is a “herculean effort” to overcome a submission to political identity over our position in Christ. Yet as citizens first of the kingdom of Christ, we are called to express ourselves in what we do, say, and vote as an extension of God’s character and will.
Kevin James
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Editor’s Note: “To Vote or Not to Vote” by Bettina Krause, originally appeared online as part of our premium content. If you missed reading it, you’ve been given a second opportunity. The article appears in this issue, beginning on p. 52.
What a wonderful focus on ADRA (September 2022), with the added short piece asking readers to share their favorite charities. I had no idea ADRA was involved in so many countries, was so well respected, and committed to the “longer view.” As a result, I have decided to give a small monthly contribution to ADRA, asking that it be used for one of the long-range sustainable projects. I wish that you had raised a warning about some charities that are masters of pulling at heartstrings and taking advantage of generosity while doing little of what they promise. Luckily, several websites do an excellent job of evaluating charities. Readers, please do your research before giving!
Bruce McClay, M.A., M.L.S.
Battle Ground, Washington
Wow! The short article “Hurting Families” hit me in the heart and mind. So many parents wonder what to think when an adult child/child turns from what was shown at home, but Andy Nash has given us something to ponder. Thanks for encouraging us to be intentional with adult children/children around us and keeping Christ at the center (where He always belongs).
Mary Sailo
St. Joseph, Michigan
Just a word of appreciation for the “365 Days With Jesus” guide for reading through the four Gospels, along with The Desire of Ages and Christ’s Object Lessons. My husband and I had been thinking of the new year and new beginnings when we saw this. It looked doable, so we started it. We have kept up with the readings and read ahead in anticipation of vacations, having house guests, etc. Both of us have enjoyed it and been blessed through it. We are so grateful. The assignments have been well thought out and “right-sized,” and our thanks go to Merle Poirier for the thought and work that went into this. Thank you to the editor and the entire staff.
Linda Currier
The August 2022 article by General Conference lawyer Jennifer Woods titled “The Christian’s Call to Civil Disobedience” was informative and excellent as a preparation for the last days of earth’s history. She referred to John Yoder, a Mennonite theologian and ethicist, who said, “The conscientious objector who refused to do what his government asks him to still remains under the sovereignty of the government and accepts the penalties which it imposes.” That same John Yoder also wrote, “Servanthood replaces dominion. Forgiveness absorbs hostility.” From The Great Controversy: “We should choose the right because it is right, and leave consequences with God.”
Richard Lane
Livonia, Michigan
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].