Thank you, Judith Fockner.
As a lifelong Seventh-day Adventist, I had become adept at playing the “Good SDA” game.
So good that I fooled even myself. Your devotional (June 6-11, pp. 7, 8) was spot-on, a needed but unwelcome truth. Praise God that the love and grace of Jesus is more powerful than even my hypocrisy.
Bruce Mc Clay
Thank you for the comprehensive explanation and update of the Adventist interpretation of Revelation 13 in your article “In the Shadow of the Decree.” However, regarding the notion that a Sunday law in the U.S. is the fulfillment of the mark of the beast, I will offer the following: Germany (my home country) has had laws protecting Sunday rest since 1891. Since 1919 Sunday has even been protected by the respective constitution in force. Stores are closed on Sundays (with a few exceptions), no noise may be made, and workers may be employed only in exceptional cases (e.g., for social services). At the same time, there is freedom for several decades to keep the Sabbath. The Sunday law has not helped the Catholic and Protestant churches at all. People are leaving these churches by the millions. The Christian faith is declining more and more in society and has now become a marginal phenomenon. The Catholic Church in particular is only a shadow of its former self and is rocked by numerous scandals. Its influence on society has never been as small as it is today. Given this historical experience, many Adventists in Germany find it difficult to regard a Sunday law as a mark of the beast, because they have been living under this mark since 1919 at the latest without the power of the Catholic (or Protestant) Church having increased—on the contrary.
Thomas Lobitz
Artlenburg, Germany
I had to write and say as a new subscriber to Adventist Review your magazine is great! I am not a baptized member of the church, but I have always followed the health message. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the articles “A Hilarious Paradox” and “A Changing National Landscape.” I thoroughly enjoyed Sister Hyveth Williams’ column the most. She hit the issue right on the head. It’s said that Christianity is being attacked on a daily basis around the world, but to remain strong. I must say that all members of the Adventist Church must continue to follow God’s Word and remain strong as one group.
Donald L McClelland
McKenney, Virginia
I can’t express how much of a difference having a Christian education has benefited my life even though I attended only first through sixth grade. I’ll never take for granted my biblical knowledge and how pivotal it is in creating peace for me in my soul. I know with every bone of my existence that God created me and that Jesus died for my sins so that I will one day be in the kingdom of God and not of my works because everything I do is tainted no matter how well intended I am. I wish everyone had this same foundation.
Oneina Million
This is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time! I can’t wait to see how God provides. We have not because we ask not and we believe not. So proud of the team who made this decision.
Ann Marie Brown-Mitchell
Prayers and condolences to the families. May the good Lord heal those injured and heal the broken hearts.
Coreana Foster Kuras
My father bought me a gift—a book titled Women in the Church. It details the history and contribution of women in the church and the many roles they may continue to serve the Lord in. I just treasure that gift. Thanks for sharing this too.
Tabitha Latelang
God bless you above all else. This is a Christian.
Adwoa Asamoah
This means a lot. My aunt is a Venezuelan refugee. Great to see one of my peers engaged in good Samaritan work. I may never achieve my dream of going to Adventist college, but I love reading articles like this.
Christian Rubert
Yes! This is how it should be. And hopefully affordable and filling enough.
Kristy Jones
This is tremendous. Andrews University is a world-class institution. There is a lovely synergy between Andrews University and the University of the Southern Caribbean.
Clive Dottin
The birth rate is down, along with marriage rates. There is a reason for both. I think that needs to be examined and addressed first.
Quita Bee
Well, I am a little old for that at 74. So I think I’d better stick with evangelistic efforts. I will go!
Gloria B. Dorsey
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].