We’re hoping, dear reader, that you notice the attention given to your online involvement: in this issue we’ve published several letters from your online correspondence. Send us more. Editors
Thank you, Olga Valdivia (“Angel Watch,” February) for opening a new vista on faith and trust. I recognized faith and trust as defensive strategies enabling one to repel the attacks of Satan, but when you said, “My best weapon was my faith and the trust I was placing in the care of my heavenly Father,” that led to new and intriguing thoughts: faith and trust as a weapon against cruelty, the inhumanity of man to man, the evil of this world. A shield and a weapon all in one. A way to protect but also a way to take the battle to the enemy of my soul.
Bruce McClay, M.A., M.L.S.
Battle Ground, Washington
What an impressive issue of the February Adventist Review, regarding the plight and suffering of African Americans. Coming from Brazil in 1956 to further my education, my wife and I rode by bus from Miami to Los Angeles and could not understand how Black people were treated in the buses and bathrooms. I admire the courage of Rosa Parks being arrested on February 22, 1956, to stand for equality! During my school days and work at the Church’s world headquarters I met with wonderful leaders who were in their rightful position, side by side with workers from all over the world. Justice had been made! Elder Cleveland was my teacher at the old seminary in Takoma Park, and later I had the opportunity to work side by side with other outstanding Black leaders. Our message should be to change the heart and not the skin.
Leo Ranzolin, Sr.
Estero, Florida
Appreciating all of you. You are representing the “Salvation Army,” and your faith speaks. We pray for you all.
Peter Savari
Here in Colorado the use of marijuana has greatly increased among school-aged people since it was legalized for recreational use. It has cost our families, communities, and healthcare facilities so very much. I feel grateful the Vassar Church is responding. Good luck with this project.
Beverly Helm
The main benefit of a one-room school (with multiple grades in one room) is that students learn self-reliance. They are also not subjected to teachers who think they must spend the full classroom day teaching from the front of the room. This gives the students the time they need to complete their schoolwork in the classroom, where they can ask for individual assistance from the teacher or from higher-grade students as needed.
Connie Dahlke
Thirty years ago I stood in the pulpit of Adventist churches speaking on the hidden addictions and various abuses going on within the church. The message was not well received. I have walked away from the Adventist church a few times, disgusted by the level of denial and tired of the way I was treated. I dropped my membership and walked with Him, seeking His face. He called me back four years ago to the Adventist Church—back to pulpits to speak on the very same topics. He also put me on the radio and directed me to keep writing and seeking His lost sheep, those wounded lambs He loves so much. I am gladdened to see these topics are being discussed—finally. Thank you for sharing.
Laura Lee
Well done. Our medical institutions need to embed and integrate mental health services with warm handoffs when patients are assessed as anxious, depressed, addicted, etc. They don’t follow through well when sent out the door. Whole person care should extend to mental health. No, it won’t make the clinic or hospital lots of money, but it’s the moral and Christian service to offer.
Karen Spruill
I really appreciate the competent clinical perspective on this. We have much work to do and in my observation the conference level and many pastors are unwilling to explore ways to manage this.
Elise Whogardens
We are living in the last days, when so many things are happening. Jesus is soon to come.
Angella Samuels
I’m proud of our brothers and sisters at those schools, for living out their faith this way.
Wanda Teed
Sounds like Eric Lindell’s story in the famous “Chariots of Fire” movie and his refusal to run, as the favorite, at a 1924 Olympics Sunday (Sabbath for him) meet. Must applaud those who stand up for their convictions.
Ted Porter
Bravo! This is hands-on learning. Now, take the next step and find sponsors to give the seed money needed to turn the best ideas into services for the community and business opportunities for the students.
William Noel
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].