I loved the excellent article by Charles Mills, “Can an Atheist Go to Heaven?” The good news is better than we even imagine. While we still need to do our part to tell people about Jesus and His free offer of eternal life, I agree that God’s mercy and love extend to those who never knew or heard about Jesus. God knows their hearts. It will be quite interesting to see who is in heaven. I am looking forward to being surprised.
Douglas Abbott
Los Altos, California
The Bible says that the ancient city of Jericho was burned after the walls collapsed. In 1966 I saw the ashes verifying the biblical account in Joshua 6:24. We dig so as Seventh-day Adventists we may become a people of the book again. There is still something left that we can trust implicitly—the Bible. Thank God!
Howard Loewen
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
It was inspiring to read the August edition articles on archaeology to prove the veracity of the Bible. It reminded me of reading the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica revealing to the world that the Hittites, mentioned only in the Bible, did not exist! When archaeology uncovered this great civilization, they had to issue a retraction in their next edition. I was also happy to read about the progress of youth ministries in Ukraine. After the fall of Communism, Neal C. Wilson asked me to visit Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova to meet with the leadership to start Pathfinder clubs and youth ministry. I can now see a new reality when I read of the youth forum in Ukraine, with more than 200 participants.
Leo Ranzolin, Sr.
Estero, Florida
Luella Nelson’s article, “Can’t Take Your Honda to Mexico” (August 2021), reminded me of the times I visited an elderly person and would often go for rides on Sabbath in my Honda. At times we would just stop to take in the scenes before us. I would read from the Bible as we just sat there enjoying God’s second book, nature. In time she did choose baptism, and one day asked, “Will there be Hondas on the earth made new?” Yes, I told her, for then we will all be in one Accord.”
Robert Rouillard
Lakewood, Washington
Congratulations on the July 2021 Adventist Review theme, “Remarkable Women of God.”The excellent articles and thoroughly researched time line remind us of the work yet to be done. I especially appreciated the article by Gerald Klingbeil, “Rizpah.” It was very meaningful and well written. From the beginning of the Adventist Church, women have been faithfully answering God’s call and growing the church. During the past 50 years more and more women have been quietly and painfully waiting for justice in the church. When will a David arise and bring this about? Thank you for your prophetic voice. Keep up the good work.
Selma Chaij Mastrapa
This sounds strangely familiar. A Battle Creek Sanitarium for the twenty-first century? May the lessons learned with the venture of yesteryear be prayerfully applied here. So much good can be done if God, not man, is exalted. What seems to be missing in all the verbiage of this article is any clear addressing of the spiritual health of the client.
J. Phillips Williams
I sometimes feel that the immediate task that God wants me to accomplish is to build a relationship with a person, rather than to convert them to my beliefs. Yes, I believe that Christ would post on social media. But His initial posts in a thread would be in response to the theme of the thread, rather than a statement of doctrine.
Gregory Matthews
Thank you, Dr. Hart, for your commentary on this important public health issue facing our nation and the world today. Being in the field of public health myself (I am a graduate of Loma Linda University’s School of Public Health), I agree with you. When it comes to vaccines, we have been here before, facing many of the same controversies of the past, but I have never seen it so politicized as it is today.
John Westerdahl, PhD, MA, MPH, CNS, RDN, FAND, DipACLM