Reading the editorials by Bill Knott has always left me with a suspicion that he is not only a fan of the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, or probably a poet himself. Now we know that in writing prose his poet side cannot be hidden; it shines forth even if he ostentatiously tries to prevent it. I have also long suspected that Lael Caesar had the same bent. His T. S. Eliot—like “ELOI”—took hold of me. Both men contributed greatly to my spiritual pleasure in the April 2021 edition, for which I am thankful.
Ernest J. Stevenson, pastor, retired.
As an Adventist for 77 years, I am happy to share with the church the greatest “change” it could make. I believe the greatest change the church could make is our picture of God. I think all of us could grow to better understand what God is like. I hope I’m still growing to know God better. What’s important is that what we do and say reflects well what God is really like. When we see the Sabbath or the law as a gift, we appreciate it, especially if it’s for our best good and strengthens our trust in God. You can tell a lot about “the maker” who cooks a meal or makes furniture. The Sabbath reveals who God is and what He’s like. The Sabbath keeps us in a relationship with Him.
Wally Hasselbrack
St. Helena, California
Delise Wilson’s article was excellent and will bless so many. It was insightful, clear, spiritual, and so practical. Delise blessed me, and I know, many others. Keep writing, Delise, for God has given you a talent.
Pastor John Bridges
Forsyth, Missouri
Thank you for the quality and helpful articles in our church paper. It continually enriches my journey.
Susan ReevesWimberley, Texas
Our heavenly Father has blessed us with many dedicated and spiritually qualified leaders as we look to Him to lead us through this wonderful time of knowing prophecy has been and is being fulfilled.
Delta Harris
One (unintended) message of the article seems to be that a conscientious healthful-lifestyle person who minimizes/avoids unmasked mixing with others and who, for personal reasons, refuses to be vaccinated, is seemingly pictured as one who is “unconcerned” with the well-being of his or her neighbor. If one believer is willing to accept the choice of another believer to be vaccinated, why cannot the vaccinated believer be willing to accept the choice of a believer to remain unvaccinated, without putting a label on him or her? And to be fair, I fully realize that the “labeling” can go both ways.
M. Ross Rearon
I applaud the Adventist Review for tackling a difficult subject, but I am disappointed in how the subject was presented. The author of this article first offers an unfair dichotomy between those who choose to be vaccinated as people of “reason” compared to those who choose not to be vaccinated as “emotional.” Yes, some are choosing not to take the vaccine because of emotional reactivity, but some are choosing not to take it because they have rationally studied the vaccines, weighed the pros and cons, and determined the benefits versus the risks. And some have chosen to be vaccinated from a rational stance of research and understanding, as well as those who have chosen it from an emotional reactivity to overwhelming fear. Second, the author encourages the use of the pulpit to persuade people to become vaccinated as “part of our Christian duty to protect others.” So if someone chooses not to be vaccinated, then the church has told them they are not performing their Christian duty to protect others? I find that highly manipulative and an inappropriate use of the gospel pulpit. I would hope that in the future, especially for such a divisive topic as this, an article would present the evidence/rationale/facts and allow others the God-given freedom to choose their course of action without stereotypes or false guilt from their Christian brothers and sisters.
Bonita Shields
Very well argued and written article, thank you. You present very compelling arguments for why natural selection is incompatible with belief in God as the Creator. One more that I would add: the Genesis account states repeatedly that man and woman were created in God’s image. God did not leave it to natural selection to somehow embed His very attributes into His creatures, first of which is mankind.
Michel (last name withheld)
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].