My parents faithfully subscribe to and read this journal. So have I and my husband for the past 51 years. Through the years your articles have been clear and strong about our message.
But there is one thing I wish you’d improve on. You seldom provide credits and information for art, covers, or photos. Nevertheless, I was so blessed by your timely July 2020 edition touching on COVID-19 and the sickening racism continuing in our church, country, and world. Your cover image was powerful, but again, no information or credit is given about the creator.
Other than this, thank you.
Nancy Daniels Nelson
Riverside, California
Unless otherwise noted, photographs in each issue are credited to Getty Images, and are listed in the masthead (in small print under “Web site”). In the case of the issue you referred to, that cover image was created by our art director Bryan Gray. It’s a composite of images from multiple sources. Thanks for asking.—Editors.
I was profoundly moved by the article “The Truth About Salvation,” by Lee Venden (July 2020). As an 86-year-old Adventist, I was brought up to obey the commandments of God as a way to salvation. Lee’s “relationship” theory opened my eyes to a true understanding of salvation. It’s not salvation through my obedience to the commandments of God that merits my salvation, but my relationship with Jesus, who offers me salvation as a free gift. Keeping the commandments is a byproduct of that relationship.
I taught at Campion Academy with Lee Venden in the early 1980s for several years. He is truly a man of God.
Clint Anderson
via e-mail
I enjoyed “Be Still and Know” (July 2020), as I have experienced the same intimacy with Jesus on my many trips to Hawaii on the island of Maui. There is a quiet place, a small sloping beach behind the hotel where I stay, that is isolated. On Friday I prepare my lunch for Sabbath, my reading material, and my iPod. I arrive early Sabbath morning, greet God, and meditate on His amazing rising sun, the beautiful scenery, the ocean and blue skies. After meditation and talking to God, I read His Word, read my Sabbath School lesson, then listen to spiritual music.
I close the Sabbath by singing hymns, praising Him, and listening to what He says to me. It’s such a wonderful and intimate time with my Savior. Like Kandace Zollman, I am moved to tears. As the sun sets, I hear and feel God saying to me, “Bye, Marilyn; we had a wonderful day together.” As I say my goodbyes tears flow down my cheeks. I will always treasure those memories the Lord and I had together.
Marilyn Marshall
via e-mail
I read Jud Lake’s article “God’s Hand in History” (August 2020) with interest. For whatever reason Mr. Lake left out what I consider to be an important part of the description of why God intervened in that battle.
Here’s the rest of that part of the narrative: “And had the Northern army at this time pushed the battle still further in their fainting, exhausted condition, the far greater struggle and destruction which awaited them would have caused great triumph in the South. God would not permit this, and sent an angel to interfere.”
Ultimately God was looking out for the slaves, for He knew that if the South succeeded in the war, slavery would continue.
Les Leno
Walla Walla, Washington
A powerful call to action—both in surrendering our thoughts and attitudes to the only One who can change us, and also to doing all we can by voice and action to relieve the suffering—physical, mental, emotional, and social—of the hurting world around us. May the One who was “tempted in every way, just as we are” (Heb. 4:15) find us humble recipients of His grace and come and heal our land (2 Chron. 7:14).
Jeannie Windels
via e-mail
Thank you for republishing this article. This 15-year-old article has as much a message for us today as it did in 2005. Today we have moved beyond where we were in 1965.
But it challenges us with the question: To what extent are we today where God would want us to be as to the social issues of justice? Sadly, congregations may not welcome those who do not look exactly like their members. This may be more than race and skin color. Our lack of welcome may involve the ways others dress, their political views, the music they enjoy, and more.
I am reminded of a struggling Adventist congregation that drove a newly baptized member away by addressing her, to her face and behind her back, with the title: “the little heathen.”
The congregational mission that God has given us today is to welcome into our fellowship those from the community at large who are on a spiritual journey. When we fail to welcome such, God will use others to accomplish what He wants done, even if those He uses are not as doctrinally advanced as we may think we are.
Gregory Matthews
via e-mail
The article “Broadcasting the Good News” (September 2020) states that Juan Eduardo Pérez was the announcer of La Voz de la Profecía/Esperanza for some years. But in the photo the announcer shown is Manuel Nestares, who was from Argentina and became the announcer later.
In “Voices” (August 2020), Robert Lewis Stevenson should read Robert Louis Stevenson, the Scottish novelist and poet.
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].