I love this article. I never hate on anyone. I strive to respect every human being, and I love the differences in color, hair, eyes, height, language, accents, etc. I love God’s creativity. Furthermore, we have only one race—the human race.
Imagine if God made everyone White or Black, the world would be the most boring place ever.
Astrid Okelo
via Facebook
I was so happy to hear that Maranatha celebrated 25 years of service to the people of Cuba. It was my privilege to be a part of a tour of 30 leaders and lay members to inaugurate the Pinar del Rio church, visit the seminary, and witness a large baptism in Havana back in 2000. It is amazing how the Lord has blessed this organization, not only in Cuba but around the world.
My wife and I remember the joy of our people and their gratitude for the ministry of Maranatha. Praise God for Don Noble’s leadership, his wife, Laura, and the thousands of volunteers. I also appreciate the article remembering Kari Paulsen, who passed away January 10. We cannot forget how dedicated our companions have been to the work of the Lord.
Leo Ranzolin, Sr.
Estero, Florida
The mission of the Adventist Church is much more than to simply proclaim the three angels’ messages. We can, and often do, proclaim a message that is unheard and produces no change in life and belief. The mission of the church is to prepare people for the coming of the Lord. We must be careful that we do not accuse those who attempt to convert those of our secularized society to Christ of watering down the doctrinal teachings upon which this denomination is founded, when in actual fact we are doing exactly what God wants us to do in compliance with the message of the first angel.
Gregory Matthews
via web
The problem of our youth leaving the church is a serious one, but I don’t agree with the author’s suggestion, “Could it be that we spend more time talking about the beast, creating righteousness by fear, than talking about the Lamb, who credits us with righteousness by faith?”
I doubt that most Adventist churches spend that much time talking about “the beast.” Most sermons I hear are about justification by faith, and a watered-down version of that subject at best. Vital Christianity being modeled in the church may be a more likely problem. How many actually follow the pattern left by Jesus? How many actually witness for Him?
Take some young people under your wing. Do things with them. Love them. Most of the young people I have done that with are still in the church. No credit to me. I should have done more!
Danny Whatley
via web
Williams Shea was instrumental in my journey into a deeper understanding of the book of Daniel—especially Daniel 8:8-12. I have admired his scholarship ever since. He will rest in peace, and his family will have the comfort of knowing that a great man in Christ is awaiting the resurrection.
Jeff Couzins
via web
Bill Shea was such a thoughtful and godly man. I always appreciated his biblical diagnoses in the articles he wrote. He will be missed, though his writings will continue to speak for God’s glory.
Kevin Morgan
via web
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