Kayla’s enthusiasm is noteworthy (AR Online, Sept. 20, 2019). She is articulate in stating her passion. There are many ways to spread the news about the changes people can undertake.
Starting with her church and the use of plastics is a good place to bring awareness. Since I am from the United States and all kinds of strikes disrupt the peace of businesses and people trying to accomplish their daily work, it strikes me (pun intended) that even peaceful strikes may not be the best method to get the message across. Here are some things to think about:
As a church we have a great message to give to the world. Kindness is an excellent attitude for doing that. It will take people like Kayla to help that effort. We have many avenues from which to choose: print, media, one-on-one encounters, organized meetings for the public, DVDs, social media, and others. Yes, prayers are the most helpful resource we have in caring for our planet and our churches. Many problems are not human-made, and cannot be solved by people. Let’s do our best to be good stewards of the earth, but have a priority of spreading the good news about Jesus, the Creator!
Amber Joy
The October 2019 issue of Adventist Review had several wonderful articles. My husband related to the story, “The Happiest Day of My Life,” by Arnold Cochran. His happiest day was becoming a Seventh-day Adventist.
The two articles “Restoring Our Roots,” by Somer Knight, and “Storing Up Treasures,” by Cheryl Bolton, provide insightful and serious reading to “build on the past and reconnect.” Before my father passed away, he had made the decision to make his home with one of his daughters and son-in-law. There was much to sort, discard, give away, and keep. I am thankful that others are benefiting from those items given away.
“Convenient Amnesia,” by Jason Craig, opens serious thought to “give our heart a chance” to witness for God. Thank you for printing all of these articles.
Natalie Dodd
Sola scriptura. Hebrew and Greek texts. It’s all pretty heady stuff. Can a whole church be sola scriptura? Is the Seventh-day Adventist Church a sola scriptura church?
In the beginning it was a William Miller movement, firmly rooted in agreements and alliances derived from personal Bible study, mainly just verses from the King James Version of the Bible, buttressed by comments from a few members who knew Hebrew and Greek.
I like this article because it asks if the church is going to undergo a revival and revolution and return to its fundamental
sola scriptura curiosity, or will it continue to wander into the gloom of the end-time connected only by Ellen White to the early pioneers and God’s Word?
In the meantime, we are seeing how important it is, even if we don’t know Greek and Hebrew, to read our Bibles for ourselves.
Milton Hare
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“Those who confuse future events with current reality dismiss relationships with other Christians as unnecessary and useless. They conflate other Christians with future enemies and act as if their destiny is already sealed; and further that the mark of the beast is already affixed on those who do not keep the biblical Sabbath.” Very true; wonderful insight.
Veli Kotilainen
I would like to see the performance. I believe most forms of media can be used to God’s glory when done in a respectful, biblical manner. Great caution is obviously needed.
Warren Rushold
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If we are honest, we must admit that along with the good times, life can be challenging, difficult, painful, and confusing. I suspect Bill Knott writes GraceNotes as much for himself as for the rest of us. But the simple quiet truths illustrated in them often hit the spot and encourage us to stay on track. I often share them with friends and family.
Dan Burrington
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We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].