How relevant was the message of the October issue focusing on the second coming of Jesus. I can relate to the editorial by Bill Knott. When I accepted the Lord and studied theology, I never thought I’d make it. I have listened to sermons from my father-in-law, R. M. Rabello, speaker of the Voice of Prophecy in Brazil, and his messages about the signs of the second coming of Jesus! We’ve never seen signs like the ones we see today.
I remember hearing about one of the islands in the Pacific where people would get up in the morning, go to the beach, look to the sky, and ask, “Is it today You’re coming?”
Let us be ready every day for Jesus. My prayer is “Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!”
Leo Ranzolin Sr.
Estero, Florida
I have been an environmental consultant for 20 years, and an Adventist Christian for almost 30 years. Let’s not lose focus on the real crisis. God’s remnant church is not yet prepared. The world already died when our first parents sinned. Climate change is just one of the consequences of a sinful world. It is an important issue, but let’s not fail to be mindful of the bigger issue.
If I had the choice as a young Christian, I would rather tell others that Jesus is coming soon than choose a side in the climate change debate. Choose your battles.
Ronie Magcamit, via web
Regarding “Why I’m Striking for Climate Change” ( Thank you for your Christian witness. It seems like many members of our church have lost sight of God’s clear charge to care for the earth. In one of God’s first interactions with humans, “the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Gen. 2:15). It is clear from other references in the Old Testament that God did not intend humankind to stop caring for things just because they were no longer in the garden.
God expects humans to cherish and care for the earth.
Climate change is real. The science behind climate change is well understood, and many of the predictions made 20 years ago are coming to pass now. As a scientist myself, I have been following the research of climate scientists with great interest for more than 30 years, and I’m impressed with how careful and accurate their work has been.
This verse should give us all pause: “The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small—and for destroying those who destroy the earth” (Rev. 11:18).
It would seem that God expects us to be found taking care of the earth when He returns, not destroying it. Pushing for societal changes that can slow down or stop climate change represents a very clear way to help care for the earth.
Bryan Ness, via web
World Church Treasurer Discusses Church Finances and His Life Behind the Scenes
Excellent interview! Juan Prestol Puesan is a very experienced man and servant of the Lord Jesus! God bless him!
Mark B. Gomes, via web
What a remarkable story! Praying for missionaries all over the world. These children continue to teach us important lessons of trust.
Shannon Robinson-Pitkin,
via web
Evolution, if you just analyze what it proposes, is complete fantasy. The concept of things getting gradually more complex over time. Systems developing and growing together through a series of completely random mutations that not only don’t have a driving force but cannot provide intelligent feedback to the supposedly evolving species is literally impossible.
David Lynch, via web
This article (
expert-says) is helpful, and I do not challenge the conclusions of the author. But I would add a few points.
People may, within the Adventist community, experience adverse experiences as adults, young adults, and as children. Those who have experienced such in their past have likely developed their own methods of coping. This may include the repression of some aspects of that trauma, which may mean that it has not yet been appropriately dealt with.
While I am not attributing this to the author of the article, we should not approach every person in the same manner. People are different. They must be allowed to tell their stories. The appropriate response must be individualized to them. In some cases, in order for people to heal, they may need to seek spiritual nurture outside of the Adventist denomination. God can and does use people outside of the church to provide ministry. It is not for us to judge people who leave our fellowship because of what they have experienced within our community.
Gregory Matthews, via web
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