The January 2019 Review was an exceptionally good issue. I am especially impressed with Tim Lale’s thought-provoking article, “Fresh Wind in Your Sails.” He has given some new insights for me into a very old problem—the “consumer mentality” on church attendance. Thank you.
As a retired pastor it is easy for me to be a “worship critic” and miss the worship experience myself. In the future I will think about his six “healthy grooves,” and see if that doesn’t improve my own worship experience.
Jere Webb
Eagle, Idaho
Thank you for the editorial “The Power of a Place” (January 2019). You are so right to note how the great writers over history always penned their best work out of silence and a “settled spot.”
Over the years as I have penned my documentary films, I can recount exactly where each film was authored. I always try to create a sacred space where the connection between God and me can occur uninterrupted. I owe that to God. You have done a great service to every writer.
Martin Doblmeier
Journey Films
I love Bill Knott’s stuff and style. This one is particularly timely and poignant. Thanks. Who knows? Perhaps we can do a crowdsource and raise enough to appropriately honor the peacemaker among us who drops an attitudinal kite on the other side of the great divide. It will take a miracle of grace; you and I both believe in that.
Don Jacobsen
via Web
I was born into the Catholic faith and went to a Catholic school. While studying the catechism, I found that the Roman Catholic Church changed Sabbath worship to Sunday worship. That didn’t seem right to me, and I knew that God does not change.
After I left the Catholic Church for that reason, I started to pray, asking God to help me find a Sabbathkeeping church. My prayers were answered. My mother, her younger sister, their friend, and I all got baptized and joined the Adventist Church. I was 16 at the time, and I was happy, for it seemed so right.
Then the priests found out we were going to church on Saturday and they were not happy with us. They told us that we were keeping the Jewish Sabbath and that the Catholic Church had the right to change the Sabbath to Sunday. I was totally confused, and we ran back to the Catholic Church.
I drifted from one church to another and came back to the Adventist Church, but then was dragged away again, this time by Jehovah’s Witnesses. I roamed around much too long so looked into the Sabbath again and asked God to point me in the right direction. In due time God led me back to the Adventist Church, where I belong. I’ve gone full circle, and this time I will remain.
I thank the Lord for being so patient with me. He never gave up, and I hope those who have left will read my testimony and return.
Barry Pilton
via Web
Who doesn’t love the fruit of the Spirit? Cliff Goldstein reminds us of the sobering reality our Lord’s Word teaches us. This includes the tale of two women in Revelation 12 and 17 and an invitation in Revelation 18:4 that compliments preceding verses.
We need prayerful courage to love and thoughtfully present Christ’s words in their context.
Peter Handke
via Web
I have been thinking about this subject a lot lately. Because of some small, seemingly unimportant, unasked for things God has done for me lately; and because of answers to prayers I felt guilty for praying. I have been impressed that if these things are important to me, they are important to Him.
Looking forward to when the support system I have put together for myself will be taken from me, I have made it my prayer that the Holy Spirit will bring to my mind these things God has done for me in this relatively easy time. It seems that He is just letting me know how important I am to Him.
As sure as Bible prophecy has always been true, there is a time of trouble coming such as this world has never known. My heart is full with love for my Savior for these tokens of His love during this calm before the storm. When the storm does break upon us, I will have these tokens and His sure promises to rest my faith upon. Praise His holy name!
Sylvia Sioux Stark
via Web
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].