Regarding “Does God Like My Gun?” (November 2019): I have never owned a gun, and I have no plans to buy one. I must die daily to God, love Him, and love my neighbors; and that includes my enemies.
In this unsafe world we must not live in fear, but in a state of alertness. Our homes, churches, hospitals, and schools must be alert and might welcome, if necessary, some form of armed protection.
To those who claim the right to own and use guns, the Bible tells us: “No one is good, only God is good” (Luke 18:19). In the military I did not carry a gun. I believed, as did Desmond Doss, to do good to others and to live in faith.
Will I die by someone’s gun or other weapon? Maybe. Kevin Onongha was right. I recently attended a rally against hate and violence. Love was displayed. But the question that came to mind was whether anyone attending the rally would walk the talk if they are alive at Jesus’ return.
William Zelemak
Greensboro, North Carolina
I read “God's Sabbath Stamp” (December 2018) several times. Each time I came away wondering, What is the takeaway from this? Am I supposed to believe that the number seven (as in seven words, or seven verses) somehow validates God's clear command “Remember the Sabbath by keeping it holy”?
How is this information useful in talking to my friends about the Sabbath?
The seventh day is the Sabbath, period. We don't need an Old Testament scholar to tell us that. Anybody with a Bible will do.
Ruth Ellis
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Thank for the Adventist Review. I have been reading it in its various formats for the past 50 years and usually have only positive comments. However, I must admit I am not happy with your thematic issues. For example, the November issue had five articles on Babylon. Five! It’s hard to maintain interest in any subject when you’re smothered with it. I much prefer the issues that had a nice variety of subjects.
Georgia Schellas
Via Web
The recent 2018 Autumn Council in Battle Creek, Michigan, is now history. Sadly, the Sunday session and the issue of the compliance committee was painful to witness via the Internet. The final vote left no winners and no losers.
We are a family of different languages, cultures, and ethnicities. This is who we are, and we believe that under God’s infinite grace, we are yet one in Christ. Our leaders must assume spiritual accountability at this critical time in our history. Conscience is sacred, and it must not be disregarded on the altar of a vote of “yea” or “nay.”
Dan C. Robles, Sr.
Simi Valley, California
Regarding "Faith Among the Radishes" (October 2018): I have often wondered to what extent is God involved in the trillions of incidents that happen on our planet and in our personal lives. It is so easy for us to say that He could have prevented this or that, or even to ask why He didn’t. We ask these questions not because we doubt His wisdom, or because we are seeking for an answer, but rather because of our knowledge and belief in His omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. So I heartily support Bill Knott's thought that “there’s no need to make the Author of the universe responsible for every human incident or every flake of breakfast cereal.” God has the right to order each happening in our galaxy as He sees best.
Vinette Hylton
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].