Malcolm Cort’s article “Why Should I Care?” (September 2017) contains many good, thought-provoking statements concerning how we Christians should care for and treat others of all social and ethnic backgrounds.
However, portions of the article seem to carry a rather strong condemnation of the justice system of the United States, without presenting any evidence for such a condemnation, except for the disproportional incarceration rates of certain ethnic groups, which rates (both high and low) may be caused by many complex factors. The author seems to strongly imply that the only reasons that some ethnic groups make up a larger percentage of the prison population than their percentage of the general population are racism and a flawed justice system. This seems, at best, to be quite simplistic and perhaps displays prejudice.
Omar L. Brown
Mesa, Arizona
I’ve enjoyed the Review for years, but when I saw this new edition I wasn’t sure. But the August 2017 issue should be read from the first page to the last by every church member. It is so interesting and encouraging, and tells us what is our duty. I enjoyed it from start to finish. Thank you very much.
Silva Gryte
via e-mail
I find much to make me think in each issue of Adventist Review. In the September issue I especially appreciated the two articles mentioned above. “The Word and His Word” was a refreshing apologetic for the Word of God (both contexts), setting aside political correctness.
“Why Should I Care?” is so timely in our world today. I shared the entire article on Facebook.
Nila Salsberry
Mesa, Arizona
In July’s edition of Adventist Review the article “When God Says, ‘Give!’ ” ends with a soul-searching question: “When the Lord comes in brilliant glory, will He find us sitting on our possessions, or sharing with others the priceless gift of salvation?” It is an inspiring story of mission service that involved employer and employee. Instead of sacrifice, “it was an honor to have a part in reaching people for the kingdom.” Both couples displayed a commitment to mission service.
I also liked the theme and direction of the September 2017 edition. So often government leaders use the offensive expression “illegal aliens” when referring to persons needing a safe country in which to live. They are God’s children: human beings—men, women, boys, and girls. They are our brothers and sisters. Their need is met when the Christian response is love and service.
Natalie Dodd
Centerville, Ohio
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the
Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].