The article “Neither to the Right nor to the Left” (June 2017) reminded me of a picture my daughter Jaclyn Knight sent to me. Her 2-year-old son, Jordan, and his 2-year-old friend, Easton, were arguing about the number 12 they discovered on the side of a building.
Easton said, “Look, there’s the number 1.”
To which Jordan replied, “No, it’s the number 2!” They bantered back and forth until Mommy enlightened them about the number 12.
Are we not like these 2-year-olds? So many of our arguments could be solved if we would get out of the Left-1 or Right-2 ditch and allow the Holy Spirit to help us see the 12. It has both numbers, but the insight we need is beyond our proud understanding.
Renee Ford
Cumming, Georgia
My thanks to Bill Knott for his presentations at the Washington Conference camp meeting. My parents were unable to attend, but are avid readers of Adventist Review. It was very thoughtful of Knott to take time to speak and pray with my parents over the telephone.
I also appreciate Delbert Baker and his “Ten Commandments for Resolving Conflicts” (June 2017). I recently transferred out of a church embroiled in controversy over its pastor—most of it, ashamedly, hearsay and unfounded. If the resolution commitments Baker suggested would have been employed, the situation would probably have turned out very differently than it actually did.
Thank you for your continued good work on the Adventist Review.
Robert Aaron
Shelton, Washington
I’m responding to the editorial by Bill Knott, “Securing the Future” (June 2017). Having read this article, I agree that the cost of Christian education is out of control. When did we go from churches supporting our students, and students “working” at campus jobs, to the dollars spent now? I realize teachers deserve a living wage, but when did we as an institution make it so hard for youth to get a Christian education?
It seems the leaders of the church might want to look at the cost of the huge organization we have created and consider going back to some basics. Maybe then there would be enough money to help our students get the education they need in the world today. Just a thought.
Sharon Walker
Mariposa, California
In the May 2017 Adventist Review the thoughtful insights of the following three pieces, “Forgiveness and Resilience,” “We Can’t Give What We Don’t Have,” and “The Making of a Miracle,” have shared the theme of Christian living that Jesus wants for everyone. Drinking from God’s well of forgiveness and trust is a fountain embracing life, blessings, and encouragement.
Thank you to Dixil Rodriguez, Jimmy Phillips, and Costin Jordache.
Natalie Dodd
Centerville, Ohio
What a joy it is to curl up and feast on articles in Adventist Review when going through a dark valley. To be reminded that all people are precious in God’s sight. The June issue spoke to my heart, reminding me that God calls us to reach people who some believe are worthless, too sinful to be accepted.
Thank you, Gerald Klingbeil, for quoting Ellen White—“Our neighbors are the whole human family”—and that when the wants of any person are brought to our knowledge, “it is our duty to relieve them as far as possible.” No one is excluded.
Don McFarlane admonished us to follow Jesus’ example, but he did not add that reaching to “untouchables” comes at a high price.
Hyveth Williams wrote of Satan hijacking one’s spiritual identify, and the pain caused when falsehoods are believed and sentence is passed without recourse.
Costin Jordache reminded me that God is always there even if we, or others, miss Him.
The dessert of this grand feast was Wilona Karimabadi’s words of conviction. We must get out of the safe zones and reach people who are different from ourselves because “God has asked us to.” Thank you for that instruction.
Tabitha Abel
Chiloquin, Oregon
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].