I am deeply indebted to Don W. McFarlane for capturing so well, in his article “Neither to the Right Nor to the Left” (June 2017), my thoughts on the current cultural divide. Where are we to go as a society if we can’t even have a civil conversation with one another? The pull-quote in that article says it all: “The church needs to be where Jesus is: among the people.”
Ruth Ellis Albuquerque, New Mexico
I’m one of the individuals who originally began receiving Bill Knott’s GraceNotes six years ago, and because of this, my understanding of God’s grace has steadily grown.
Intellectually I’ve always known about grace. Now I experience it more each day in my own life. I’m grateful to have been on Knott’s prayer list from the beginning, and for him sharing his understanding of God’s grace with all of us.
John Loor, Jr. La Center, Washington
Words are inadequate to express my appreciation for the excellent article “To Eat or Fight” (May 2017). There is not one person who would not benefit from reading it. I confess as to the different sides I have taken throughout my many years as an Adventist (and it was always on the correct side).
After I read A. R. Flores’ evaluation, a contrite heart has led me to love as Jesus did, both the “strongs” and the “weaks,” so that I may win others by that kind of love.
Marlene Smith Naples, Florida
Jimmy Phillips’ “The Anatomy of Belief” (March 2017) was right on, except the last sentence: “It will be so, because we believe it to be so.”
People believe a lot of things. That doesn’t make them happen. A slight wording change would make it more accurate: “It will be so, because God said so, and we believe Him.”
Wilton Helm Evergreen, Colorado
In “A History of God” (March 2017), Lael Caesar wrote about “a plan that the trinity had settled on before the foundations of the world were established,” a plan put forth for our rescue. He gives three references for that fact (Rev. 13:8, 1 Peter 1:18-20, and From Heaven With Love, page 555).
None of these references mention the Holy Spirit as being involved. In fact, no place in the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy is the word “trinity” ever mentioned in reference to the Godhead.
Philip A. Lewis Seaman, Ohio
The doctrine of the Holy Spirit does not depend on the Bible’s use or nonuse of the word “trinity.”—Eds.
I read “The Many Faces of Emotional Health” issue (January 2017) and discovered that emotional health is many-faceted and complex. The cover image complicates an already complex issue and indicates that finding answers is not easy.
Sabbath afternoon trips to the old colonial “asylum” in Old Rangoon (Myanmar) did not offer understanding to resolve “mental health” issues. Surely medical-nursing information can help. Perhaps a follow up special with a few articles would resolve the complexities. Perhaps a medical specialist could write about personal struggles and other learning ways.
Keith Mundt Riverside, California
In the article “This Too Is Gospel Truth” (February 2017) the author indicates that Jesus was raised by a “single-parent mother.” I disagree: Joseph was in the household.
Bill Oakes Anchorage, Alaska
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].