A familiar saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words” comes through loud and clear on the cover of the December 2016 issue. Children look for an example to follow. They want to joyfully walk and jump in full confidence of parental support. What a difference in the life of a child, home, school, and community where nurture, love, honor, and integrity or parents and adults in general is a surety.
Natalie Dodd
Centerville, Ohio
Thank you to Jennifer Jill Schwirzer for having the courage to be honest, vulnerable, and real. Her article “Facing the Specter of Suicide” (January 2017) was refreshing. I wish more of us (myself included) had the courage to share as she did, to be willing to stand up during church and request prayer, even if it makes us “be a demoniac.” We need each other.
Dixie Strong
Moore, South Carolina
Thank you to Bill Knott for his GraceNotes and his team’s support through articles. I trust that before long GraceNotes will be published in a book. May God continue to lead and bless each one.
Richard Anderson
via e-mail
I’m so impressed with the content “cover to cover” in the January Adventist Review, “The Many Faces of Emotional Health.” I was surprised to learn that Ellen White had feelings of depression at times. The issue came at the perfect time: just before the holidays, when many are dealing with depression. Thank you, Adventist Review, for providing helpful information on a pertinent and sometimes overlooked topic.
Renee Rimmer
Blue Ridge, Georgia
I appreciated the article by Bailey Gillespie, “Linking Arms Instead of Pointing Fingers” (December 2016). It is quite real that the triad of the school, home, and church are important in keeping young people in the Adventist faith.
During Annual Council in October 2016 G.T. Ng mentioned that of the 100 people we baptize, 49 eventually leave the church. It was also pointed out during the focus on Christian education that a large number are young people.
Ted N. C. Wilson, in his Sabbath message, said how important are the teachers who teach our young people and get them involved in the local church. His message is sine qua non to keeping youth in the church: “Our research shows that having quality homes, churches, and schools increases the possibility of both growing faith and being loyal to the Seventh-day Adventist message and church.”
The Pathfinder Club is also an agency that has made a difference in the lives of young people. Those who go on mission trips or serve as student missionaries solidify their faith.
Leo Ranzolin
Estero, Florida
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Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].