It’s Friday afternoon. I just finished making the sweet pea soup from last week’s AR online newsletter. Then I noticed today’s new recipe: pumpkin muffins. I’ll make them for supper to go along with the soup! Perfect! I like how they are simple, healthful, and accompanied by appealing color photos. Good job!
I hope these will continue to be a regular feature. Please give my thanks to whomever chooses them from week to week.
Bon appetit!
Martha Newbold
Walla Walla, Washington
A year ago I resubscribed to the Review after a “sabbatical” of some 20 years. It was not done idly, as living in Europe as a pensioner I pay nearly three times as much as most North Americans do. I don’t regret a penny! I read every word, every advertisement.
Several articles in the October 2016 issue brought tears to my eyes: John McVay’s “How to Harmonize With the Lamb” and Dixil Rodríguez’s “ ‘So Others May Live.’ ” I am so grateful to be a Seventh-day Adventist.
One brief comment: I have read more than one article hinting that the increasingly large number of baptisms in our church may be because of the latter rain. I humbly beg to differ. The latter rain was, and is, a message of pure, unadulterated righteousness by faith. When that message is understood and believed, well, I can hardly wait to see that! Perhaps I’ll echo Simeon’s prayer, “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to they word: for mine eyes have seen thy salvation” (Luke 2:29, KJV).
Del Kriticos
The Netherlands
In reference to the article “Tools Old and New” (October 2016): There was a short story about a man and woman visiting a church. But one thing was wrong with that little story: In order not to spoil the ending, the author did not give the ending; we were told to watch it on Vintage Values, a media source some of us do not have access to. So we are without an ending.
I, for one, would like to know the ending to this story, but I have no way of getting it except through print in the Review. I know others probably feel the same. Thanks for taking this into consideration in future articles.
Lova McCleod
Sage, Idaho
If you have access to a computer (at a library or friend’s house) visit this address: and click on the video titled “Formalities.” It will be worth your while.—Editors
I agree: Desmond Doss was a champion American and a champion Adventist. I hope those who circulate the book about him think seriously about what they are saying to the world about themselves. What Doss did could be expected from any Adventist. We are all selfless, courageous, and faithful to God. That’s what an Adventist is. We bear no grudges; always return good for evil, etc. If we hold Doss up and don’t measure up ourselves, we will disgrace ourselves, and our witness will backfire.
We may enthusiastically circulate the book during this time of peace, thinking that we will never face what Doss faced. But we have been forewarned that things will be worse than Hacksaw Ridge, and the world will soon learn what we are made of. May the dear Lord help us to go into this with all the prayer that Doss used to prepare for World War II. May we all shine like Doss and receive the Master’s commendation.
Milton Wainwright
Woodville, New Zealand
Thank you so much for the new format of Adventist Review. The size is handy; the thickness of the cover makes it sturdier for carrying to read at opportune moments. The content is concise, varied, and practical.
Of special interest to me was an article in the November 2016 edition, “Faith in a World of Unfaith,” by Kleber D. Gonçalves. With the number of agnostics and atheists I meet, this was intensely practical for me.
Kevin L. Morgan
Millers Creek, North Carolina
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].