I appreciate the honesty, openness, and willingness to “tell it like it is,” in Chris Blake’s article “Future Realities” (October 2016). He stepped on my toes too, but oh, how I needed it. Thank you for this article.
I also absolutely loved Bill Knott’s “Peripatea.” This is the way I want to live, putting God’s rest ahead of my restlessness. Thank you for giving me much to ponder. Bill Knott’s editorials always make me think.
Dixie Strong
Moore, South Carolina
I am thankful for Chantal Klingbeil’s article “In the World, but Not of It,” and the attempt to explain why Ellen White was part of some reform movements and not others.
I felt, though, that it fell short of giving a solid explanation. Kingdom building went on in the New Testament regardless of legalized slavery. And think of the possibility of how kingdom building could have been enhanced had Ellen White spoken in favor of women having the vote. With a doubled-in-size voting block, temperance would have become law much earlier than the twentieth century.
With that I offer this explanation of Mrs. White’s silence on women voting. Unfortunately, in all of the reform movements of the day, women’s suffrage seemed to have spiritualism especially attached to it, actually stunting its progress. Had spiritualism not been so prominent among suffragists, women’s right to vote under the constitution’s principles may have occurred sooner, rather than so long afterward. I think spiritualism’s attachment to the movement to allow women a voice and a vote moved Ellen White to stay virtually silent on the topic.
Kevin James
Lawrenceville, Georgia
The September 2016 issue of the Review has to be a landmark. I was encouraged and blessed to hear several voices urging our schools to work toward the full restoration of an Adventist identity. It is a system God graciously designed for us.
I agree fully with Larry Blackmer’s observation that “Not all things are negotiable, nor can Adventist colleges and universities alter their core values” (p. 21). I applaud his courage.
The editorial powerfully summarizes the challenge we face, noting that we have entered “the most important moment in the history of Adventist higher education—the short and urgent space between now and the coming of the Lord” (p. 5).
Lee Roy Holmes
College Place, Washington
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].