After reading the article “The 1 Percent Club,” by Julian Archer (August 2016), I was reminded of a recent survey listing the 10 wealthiest pastors in America. These pastors would do well to get together and follow the ways of Jesus and eradicate poverty in any one of our major cities. I wonder if David, Solomon, Job, and the many others in Old Testament days ever surpassed this kind of wealth. Praise God we can give according to our own blessings.
Robert Rouillard
Lakewood, Washington
The July 2016 Adventist Review message: Sabbath is a happy day as well as a holy day! All the articles expressed Sabbath blessings, from the news coverage of marathon runners in South Africa to “I Skipped Sabbath Classes in Russia.” Our family also uses the hymn “Day Is Dying in the West” to welcome the Sabbath. Honoring the Sabbath is a privileged time with our God, who created the Sabbath.
Natalie Dodd
Centerville, Ohio
Clifford Goldstein’s article “Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche, and 1844” (July 2016) is very informative. If Goldstein or some other writer could write a small leaflet that could be directed toward a non-churched person and general audience, a great service would be performed.
William Zelanek
Greensboro, North Carolina
C. D. Brooks’s dramatic image in the August Adventist Review and the comprehensive life story of this global godly preacher remind me of a Mount Vernon Academy camp meeting I shall never forget.
In 1980 Brooks led out in the Communion service. I was invited to pray for the bread and had all Friday afternoon to recall Jesus’ sacrifice long ago.
Later, on the lawn of the girls’ dorm, Brooks reached out to me in appreciation and encouragement. I thank God for C. D. Brooks and his service.
Keith R. Mundt
Riverside, California
I am 84 years old. Seeing Judy Olson in the article “Never Too Old” (June 2016) brought back a flood of memories.
Judy was living and going to school in a Lutheran boarding school when my parents hired her to babysit us while they went to a PTA meeting in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. A friendship developed, and when my dad built his greenhouse, Judy moved with us to help do flower design work. She and my mom (who was Baptist) studied the Bible and were eventually baptized at the Anoka camp meeting in 1944.
I remember her praying with me beside my bed and teaching me how to talk to God. I owe much to her beautiful Christian character as I recall her life with our family. Thank you for featuring her and her dedication.
Beverly Neuman
Paradise, California