Five stars! That is for the fine articles in the January 2016
Adventist Review. Which to mention? For starters, the newsbriefs on page 14: “Academy Picks up Cairo’s Trash” made the expression “actions speak louder than words” ring true. Then the article on page 19, “New Evidence Leaves Macroevolution Dangling,” reinforces the truth of a Creator God. And interesting comment that evolution theory is alive “on artificial life support.” As Christians, we care about our health but the article on page 45, “Christians and Environmental Stewardship,” speaks of caring “for creation and to alleviate human suffering whenever we can…” The two short articles, “Amigas Por Siempre,” on page 42 and “Keep Watch” on page 44, express the heart and soul of Christian living.
Natalie Dodd
Centerville, Ohio
Thank you very much for the well-planned January 2016 issue. From “The Green Repentance” on page 5 to “Of Apple Trees and Solar Panels” on page 64, there are many good articles to stimulate “green thinking.” I especially applaud “Christians and Environmental Stewardship.”
Myron F. Wehtje
South Lancaster, Massachussetts
Thank you for the great recipes in your Review newsletter!
Gladys Nagel
Lake Mary, Florida
“A Hymn to Coming Justice” (December 2015 Adventist Review) was a true gem! We read the article twice! Those who read it will be blessed! In another article in the
Review, I read of Dartmore Prison where the men who were conscientious objectors were imprisoned. I am humbly proud that my husband’s father, Eric Beavon, was imprisoned there. Later he went to Africa as a missionary. We want to share the blessings of the Review with a younger generation around us and pass the journal around.
Velma Beavon
Dayton, Montana
I am writing to editors and proofreaders about a writing style that has always bothered me. As a math and science teacher I would like to point out an oxymoron that showed up in the article titled “The Black ‘Blue Zone’ ” in Adventist Review, October 2015. On page 57 a paragraph begins with “Melby’s study showed . . .” and ends with the sentence “Exercising vegetarians had a prevalence of hypertension three times lower than sedentary nonvegetarians.” The oxymoron is “three times lower.”
Logically speaking, there is no such situation, because “one time lower” would be zero. This should properly be written as “one third of sedentary vegetarians.” I realize people use this terminology in their speech, but wrong is always wrong.
Thank you for the article itself. It was very enlightening. Keep providing such a wonderful magazine.
Ron Ritterskamp
via e-mail
Notice is hereby officially given that the quinquennial meeting of the members of Oakwood University Inc., a Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Alabama, will be convened in the McKee Business and Technology Building Auditorium, on the Oakwood University campus, 7000 Adventist Blvd. NW, Huntsville, Alabama, 35896, on Sunday, April 17 at 8:00 a.m. (CDT) for the transaction of business that will come before the Corporation. The purpose of the meeting is to receive reports, approve amendments to the Articles and Bylaws of the Corporation and to transact other matters related thereto.
Dan Jackson, Chairman
Leslie N. Pollard, Secretary
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specific, timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your complete address and phone number—even with e-mail messages). Letters will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600; Internet: [email protected].