Your place is so peaceful.” My mom sat on the top step in our garage as we talked about the day’s events. She and my dad were visiting from Massachusetts. Greg and I were relishing every moment!
I turned and looked out the door. It was peaceful. Just a little gravel road surrounded by fields with a little yellow house we call home. The deer trample on my tulips, while their fawns cavort across the lawn. Raccoons, wild turkeys, and the occasional bobcat take a shortcut across our yard. Yet we’ve always felt safe here. Good neighbors, the kind who lend freely. In fact, I often walk down the road, leaving our side door unlocked. Nothing could ever happen here. We live in the country!
Every trial, every experience, teaches me more about my father in heaven.
That night we went to bed after putting our little cat, Pebbles, in the garage. No hungry bobcat is eating our cat!
The next morning just as the sun came up Greg stepped into the garage. Quickly, he returned. “Jilly, Pebbles is outside! How did she get out?”
I had no idea. Greg hurried back to the garage and did a quick inventory of his tools. The pressure washer for the house. It was missing!
Careful investigation revealed that the thieves had broken into the garage, stolen the pressure washer, and locked the door on their way back out. Unfortunately for them, they left tracks in the mud, tracks that the police could easily pick up. The local sheriff came and asked many questions. He suggested it could be someone we knew. What person did we know would do something like this? We have great neighbors and friends. It was hard to think. Hard to be suspicious of anyone.
I didn’t feel necessarily alarmed, but Greg insisted on certain safety precautions. Just normal, routine steps to protect ourselves. After all, we didn’t know who had done this—or if they would be back.
What I hadn’t expected was the disruption of my sleep. I didn’t feel nervous going to bed that night, but an hour after falling asleep a car drove by, and I instantly awoke. Heart pounding, ears straining. Was someone coming back? Would they try the house this time? I lay back and took a deep breath. Father, I need You. Why am I afraid?
The next night, and the night after, the same thing occurred. Every time a car passed I was jolted awake. Lying in the dark. Staring at the ceiling. I knew God had promised that there is no fear in love (1 John 4:18). Why then was I afraid?
On this journey with Jesus I’ve finally made a discovery. Every trial, every experience, in my life serves two purposes: first, it teaches me more about the character of my Father in heaven; second, it shows me a new edge in my own heart that still needs polishing.
What was this particular edge? Fear, and that God wants me to trust Him. Completely. Without reserve. And in return, He’ll give me His perfect peace.
And you know what? Our home is peaceful after all!
Jill Morikone is administrative assistant to the president of 3ABN, a supporting Adventist television network. She and her husband, Greg, live in southern Illinois and enjoy ministering together for Jesus.