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September 2023
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Knocking Out Knuckleheads
Justin Kim
His love restrained Him
The Health Journey of a Lifetime
DeWitt S. Williams
Experiencing God’s power for self-control
Not My Will, But God's
John Peckham
Why do humans struggle so much with self-control?
Engineered for Success
Vicki Griffin
The Priceless Gift
Amie Hubbard
Church Family
Andy Nash
There's something to this fellowship thing
The Final Good Night
Laura Frary
Learning how much we cannot know
Ministry and Miracles in Mongolia
Milena Mendes
Pastor Buka’s journey of faith
Be Careful, Little Eyes
Jared Thurmon
The art of self-discipline at the media buffet
Pagodas, Pythons, and Promise
Eric B. Hare
A mission story from back-in-the-day
Self-killing in Scripture
Angel Manuel Rodríguez
What do we learn from the seven incidents of suicide in the Bible
Eternity’s Coming (With or Without Us)
Clifford Goldstein
We have a choice to make about a choice we do not have
What Good Is Truth?
Shawn Brace
It's a double-edged sword
Rich and Increased With Busyness
Alistair Huong
Does your work define you?
The Health Journey of a Lifetime
DeWitt S. Williams
Experiencing God’s power for self-control
Not My Will, But God's
John Peckham
Why do humans struggle so much with self-control?
How To Keep From Being Angry
Wintley Phipps
Let’s talk about a sin we don’t often talk about.
Whom We Miss Seeing
Enno Müller
We often overlook people who are not in the spotlight
The Elephant That Cried
Eric B. Hare
The poor elephant was in agony
Knocking Out Knuckleheads
Justin Kim
His love restrained Him
Hidden Power
H. Haskell Williams
Where does true self-control come from?
Improving the Zzzzz’s:
Peter N. Landless & Zeno L. Charles-Marcel
Suicide and Suffering
Torben Bergland
Engineered for Success
Vicki Griffin
Challenges Reaching the Unreached in Missions
Limoni Manu O’Uiha
The Priceless Gift
Amie Hubbard
Adventist Review is the flagship journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and is a part of Adventist Review Media.
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