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October 2018
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Faith Among the Radishes
Bill Knott
Had God somehow arranged the travels of two random souls so that we stared uncomfortably at each other?
“I Won’t Be Afraid of Love”
Anna Miller
Oh, how He loves you and me.
Facing Life’s Record
Ellen G. White
Judgment is real. So is redemption.
Don’t Judge Me!
Chantal J. Klingbeil
“Whatever floats your boat” is not a biblical concept.
The Heart of Adventist Theology
Jud Lake
Nothing to fear for the future.
Judgment for Dummies
Lael Caesar
The God of the judgment is so meek.
Jesus Gets the Verdict
Shawn Boonstra
Yes, it’s as simple as that.
An Extraordinary River
Jeff Scoggins
To keep it healthy we must all do our part.
Discipline: A Positive Approach
Ruth A. Edwards
When we want to bring out the best in our kids.
Storyteller Par Excellence
Derek Bowe
Jesus told great stories; and we’re still listening.
The Day I Bought Jesus a Burrito
Cameron Johnston
You never know when you’re being kind to someone important.
“I Won’t Be Afraid of Love”
Anna Miller
Oh, how He loves you and me.
Facing Life’s Record
Ellen G. White
Judgment is real. So is redemption.
Don’t Judge Me!
Chantal J. Klingbeil
“Whatever floats your boat” is not a biblical concept.
The Heart of Adventist Theology
Jud Lake
Nothing to fear for the future.
Judgment for Dummies
Lael Caesar
The God of the judgment is so meek.
Jesus Gets the Verdict
Shawn Boonstra
Yes, it’s as simple as that.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Adam Ferguson
With great power comes great responsibility.
The Numbers Game
Gerald A. Klingbeil
Numbers seem to quantify what we struggle to qualify.
When We Hear the Word "Judgment"
The voices of many as they respond to this word.
An Anxious Kind of Mind & Food as Medicine
Gerald A. Klingbeil & Stephen Chavez
A True Story of Rising Above Anxiety Disorders & Cooking for Your Best Health.
Anxiety and Attachment
Hyveth Williams
No thing or person outside of us has the power to make us happy or unhappy.
What About the Environment?
Peter N. Landless & Zeno L. Charles-Marcel
Isn’t that health-related too?
The Beginning of Adventist Eduction
Andy Nash
The biggest need in Adventist education right now isn't academic quality, facilities, or tuition.
The Goodness Multiplier
Delbert W. Baker
The goodness multiplier is operational every time an act of goodness occurs.
Important Topics | Strawberry Sabbaths | News Summit Fosters Collaboration | . . .
Faith Among the Radishes
Bill Knott
Had God somehow arranged the travels of two random souls so that we stared uncomfortably at each other?
Why I Stayed
Valerie Shoop-McCreery
The church service was unremarkable, except for that one thing
Adventist Review is the flagship journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and is a part of Adventist Review Media.
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