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November 2020
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Fresh Courage Take
Bill Knott
Adventists, of all people, must resist the siren song of fatalism.
The Battle Is the Lord’s
G. Edward Reid
Combining God’s principles with common sense.
A Gospel of Wealth?
Daniel Bediako
The prosperity gospel is grounded in spiritual poverty.
Economist 101
Adventist Review Editors
Adventist Review interviews three career economists.
Money, Property, and Power
Gerald A. Klingbeil
We don’t have to “read between the lines” to know what Old Testament prophets. . .
Rainbows Of Promise
Loretta Matthews
Of prayers and answers.
Focus on Jesus
Dwain Esmond
Every five years the Ellen G. White Estate issues a new daily devotional featuring Ellen White’s writings.
“I Know That Voice!”
Jim Ayer
Hearing the Holy Spirit boils down to one thing: familiarity.
Helping Harvey
Carolyn Sutton
Had he gone too far? Did they have to help him?
Above the Fray
Michael Peabody
We can spend time chasing the devil’s rabbits. Or not.
Part of a Master Plan
Ronny Nalin
Ronald Nalin, director of the Geoscience Research Institute, knows that things don’t happen by chance.
For Their Son Across the World
Wilona Karimabadi
Traveling thousands of miles to make their family complete.
The Time of Promise
Homer Trecartin
We can worry about the uncertainty of our situation, or we can look forward to God’s activity.
Time for Economy
Ellen G. White
They will know we are Christians by our spending.
Steady On
Merle Poirier
Rampant unemployment, financial instability: the church has faced these before.
Thank God for Reset Buttons
Stephen Apola
Turns out a global pandemic is a good time to reassess our priorities.
The Battle Is the Lord’s
G. Edward Reid
Combining God’s principles with common sense.
A Gospel of Wealth?
Daniel Bediako
The prosperity gospel is grounded in spiritual poverty.
Economist 101
Adventist Review Editors
Adventist Review interviews three career economists.
Money, Property, and Power
Gerald A. Klingbeil
We don’t have to “read between the lines” to know what Old Testament prophets. . .
One Father Loving
Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste
Many prayers in many ways made their way to the one God.
People and Things
Adventist Review Editors
Our challenge is to use and value things and people with the same measure that God uses.
This World Is Not Our Home
Josip Kavur with Clive Nash
"Far Away From Home" is actually two stories—one about the author and the other about his father.
The Fight of Our Lives
Peter N. Landless & Zeno L. Charles-Marcel
How do we fight viruses?
The Empty Vase
Jill Morikone
Greg's attitude toward me is love.
Hyveth Williams
Some christians will believe any lie or sensational post just because it appeared online.
“Keep Walking”
Dixil Rodríguez
"If God showed up, I would run with him, not walk."
Adventist Spanish Pioneers | Life, Liberty, Acccessibility | What are We Becoming? | . .
Fresh Courage Take
Bill Knott
Adventists, of all people, must resist the siren song of fatalism.
Adventist Review is the flagship journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and is a part of Adventist Review Media.
12501 OLD COLUMBIA PIKE, SILVER SPRING, MD 20904 USA. 301-680-6563.