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June 2018
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Currency Reform
Bill Knott
The Lord who frequently admonished His disciples not to be afraid is also calling them today not to be afraid of each other.
Mark of the Beast?
Lael Caesar
Identifying this symbol isn’t as complicated as some may fear.
The Mark of the Beast
Bill Knott and Mark Finley
Has the message changed?
A Conversation About End times
Ellen G. White
What if we could ask Ellen White to identify issues connected to the time of the end?
Dare to Be a Daniel
Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste
I pledge my support for the event, although I made it clear that I wouldn't be attending.
It Takes a “Village” of Churches
Birgit Brackmann
The burden is lighter when we all share the load.
Even if I Don’t See It With My Own Eyes
Dixil Rodriguez
Grace isn’t always obvious.
Daddy’s Workbench
Heather Vandenhoven
Remember when almost anything could be fixed?
How to Activate Young Adults in Your Church
Dustin Serns
What do they want? Ask them.
Mark of the Beast?
Lael Caesar
Identifying this symbol isn’t as complicated as some may fear.
The Mark of the Beast
Bill Knott and Mark Finley
Has the message changed?
A Conversation About End times
Ellen G. White
What if we could ask Ellen White to identify issues connected to the time of the end?
Beginners Sabbath School
Judy L. Shull
It’s never too early to be intentional about beginners Sabbath School.
Is Facebook Making Us Mean?
Sari Fordham
Most of us use social media; some of us know how to use it well.
Telling the Truth
Calvin B Rock
Honesty in an age of white lies, colorful lies, and alternate facts.
Facing the Future Unafraid
Readers respond to how they feel around questions about prophecy and end time events.
Marathon! Me?
Peter N. Landless & Zeno L. Charles-Marcel
I don't think so.
Protest and Progress
Calvin B. Rock & Stephen Chavez
The story of Black inclusion in the life and leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Applying Filters
Jimmy Phillips
David was making subtle yet significant compromises that deteriorated his moral compass.
Too Stressed To Be Blessed
Jill Morikone
Jumping up, I ran to a little room and closed the door, prostrating myself before my Father in heaven.
Living the Less Than-Abundant-Life | Why Are We Here? | Would Love to Know More | Storm . . .
Currency Reform
Bill Knott
The Lord who frequently admonished His disciples not to be afraid is also calling them today not to be afraid of each other.
Adventist Review is the flagship journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and is a part of Adventist Review Media.
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