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January 2023
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Patience Amid Long Experiments
Justin Kim
The pitch-drop experiment teaches our faith community some lessons.
365 Days With Jesus 2.0
Merle Poirier
A reading plan for 2023.
The New Year
Ellen G. White
Significant pointers on how to end the old and begin the new year.
Get Ready for 2023—and Beyond
Ty Gibson
How to really prepare for the end.
Looking Back To 2022
John Bradshaw
Can you see God at work in this world?
More Than Friends
Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste
Treasuring friends who’ll stick closer than a brother/sister.
Taking It Personally
It can be easy to disconnect ourselves from the personal potential of a text.
Digging Deep and Finding Treasures
Gerald Klingbeil
This book fills a significant void and offers readers a good entry point to better understand the profound connections of the texts of the Bible to their surrounding cultures.
Holy Places
Andy Nash
You’re not at church just for yourself, or even just for yourself and God—as strange as that might sound.
The Big Lunch and “Afternoon Sleeping Sickness”
Peter N. Landless & Zeno L. Charles-Marcel
After-meal drowsiness may be affected by meal timing and regularity, meal quantity, and meal composition—not just your individual characteristics.
A Prayer For Pickett
Shenalyn Page
Sharing Jesus with a new friend.
The Parable of the Weeder
Julia Vernon
Pay attention to the field you’ve been assigned.
A New Mindset for Courageous Witnessing
Lori Futcher
Although this was the worst case of customer abuse I experienced, it affected the way I treated future customers.
Adventists And Muslims
Paul Dybdahl & Gabriela Phillips
A guide to engagement.
Destruction or Transformation?
Luiz Gustavo Assis
God’s mighty acts of salvation in the book of Jonah.
The Aseity of God
Hyveth Williams
It’s mind-boggling to consider how God can “be” from or of Himself, perfectly adequate for His own existence, essence, and operation.
365 Days With Jesus 2.0
Merle Poirier
A reading plan for 2023.
The New Year
Ellen G. White
Significant pointers on how to end the old and begin the new year.
Cutting To the Chase
Anne Fargusson
What God considers deadly sins.
The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Clifford Goldstein
I defy anyone to explain how Daniel could have made this prediction in Daniel 2 without its having been first revealed to him by a sovereign and omniscient God.
Get Ready for 2023—and Beyond
Ty Gibson
How to really prepare for the end.
Looking Back To 2022
John Bradshaw
Can you see God at work in this world?
Eye in the Sky | Why Do Christians Sing So Much? | Adventist University Is Part of Groundbreaking Discovery | Feeling God’s Embrace in a Pediatric Unit
Patience Amid Long Experiments
Justin Kim
The pitch-drop experiment teaches our faith community some lessons.
A Treasured Chain
Michael Gee
A story about the power of forgiveness
Adventist Review is the flagship journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and is a part of Adventist Review Media.
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