Undeniable: An Epic Journey Through Pain is not just another book about loss and pain. Books dealing with the issue of God’s character and justice in the face of pervasive evil, destruction, and suffering are numerous and highlight often-distinct perspectives. Theologians call this theodicy and proceed to biblically and theologically engage the unengagable.
Undeniable, however, is different. It’s not an academic or even a biblical treatise. Rather, it’s a personal journey catching a glimpse of God’s character. It tells the story of Bryan and Penny Gallant losing their two children on a cold December Sabbath afternoon in Wisconsin while driving home from a preaching appointment. It’s a story of seemingly endless grief and God’s miraculous healing process.
I met Bryan and Penny many years ago as both of our families prepared to serve as cross-cultural missionaries, but I had never heard their full story. Reading this book caused me to consider grief and loss in my own life. The often-lyric quality of the book suggests deep reflection and prayerful contemplation. In fact, its publication, 21 years after the tragic events took place, underlines the long process of genuine healing.
This is not a book that you read in one sitting—at least I could not, for it probes questions and emotions that require listening. As a reader I mourned with the Gallants, and I rejoiced with them when God did what He does best: offer healing and growth that can bless those around us.
Undeniable is a good reminder of God’s healing embrace and shared pain in the face of a hurting world. Highly recommended.
Reviewed by Gerald A. Klingbeil, associate editor of Adventist Review.