September 10, 2015

Walla Walla University

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Walla Walla University

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College Place, Washington

Web site:

John McVay

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Perceived Strengths

  • Committed to “excellence in thought, generosity in service, beauty in expression, and faith in God.”
  • Undergraduate degrees in 42 areas of study
  • Graduate programs in biology, education, psychology, and social work

Unique Spiritual Activities

  • First Serve: contemporary worship experience
  • Berean Fellowship
  • Hispanic ministries
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What students Say

I came to WWU knowing that this was a friendly campus. What I didn’t realize was that the friendliness people experience here comes from WWU’s deep commitment to Christlike love and service. Being part of this campus has strengthened my relationship with Christ and empowered me to serve those around me.—Brooklynn Larson, class of 2016

What Alumni Say

When I came to Walla Walla as a student, I had no idea how much higher education would mold and shape my life. The liberal arts pricked academic curiosity and appreciation for literature and the fine arts, prompted cultural awareness, and, with a year of study in France, led to a fulfilling career in helping professions, and promises of enjoyable senior years to come.
—Darold Bigger, 1966
