September 10, 2015

Union College


Union College

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Lincoln, Nebraska

Web site:

Vinita Sauder

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Perceived Strengths

  • Seven-day Spirituality
  • Quality education at an affordable price
  • Leadership opportunities

Unique Spiritual Activities

  • Project Impact: One day at the beginning of the year when students connect with local volunteer organizations
  • HeartScan: Mentors work with students to create a customized spiritual development plan
  • Student-led worship/study opportunities
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What students Say

In the health-care management world there are days that displaying a positive attitude is more difficult than others, or when the balance of life at home and work become a challenge. But as I look back on the positive impact of my mentors at Union, I am challenged to bring that to the workplace today.
—Brian Adams, 2002

What Alumni Say

Union stands out by preparing me spiritually to take on any task with God at my side; socially by allowing me to be a part of so many events; and as a future leader by offering so many leadership positions on campus.
—Ricky Amimo, health science
