It is my privilege to introduce Adventist Review readers and subscribers to Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI). I’m also delighted to welcome our Inside ASI readers to this special edition of Adventist Review.
ASI is a membership-based organization of Seventh-day Adventist lay people. This unique and diverse group ranges from supporting ministries to individual professionals to business owners who are enthusiastic about actively participating in the church’s worldwide mission.
ASI’s philosophy promotes a Christ-centered lifestyle, manifested by a commitment to be in daily partnership with God. ASI members seek to experience God’s love in their own lives and to share that love with people they encounter in their everyday work and activities, hence ASI’s motto, Sharing Christ in the Marketplace.
Here are a few of the ways that ASI impacts the mission of the world church:
New Beginnings is a series of 25 evangelistic sermons, including detailed presenter notes, that can be used by anyone to share the gospel. These tools have been used around the world by thousands of lay people and pastors alike to communicate the love of Christ and to explain basic biblical doctrines. Countless thousands have been won to Christ through the use of these tools. Because these materials are used worldwide, they have been translated into more than 25 languages. These resources are suitable for any audience, from small groups to large evangelistic series. All resources can be downloaded free of charge on the ASI Web site:
The One-Day Structure Project manufactures and delivers specially-designed One-Day kits used to build thousands of churches, schools, clinics, and even mission station housing structures in many different countries. These customizable structures provide affordable shelters and safe havens for church congregations, students, and patients in need of medical care in places where there are none, or where older structures are run-down or in disrepair.
Your Best Pathway to Health reaches out to cities in a major way by providing medical, dental, eye care, and health support services FREE of charge over the course of several days, usually in conjunction with large-scale conferences such as the annual ASI Convention and other church or ministry events. Two Pathway to Health programs have already taken place: the first in April 2014 in the cities of San Francisco and Oakland, and the second in April 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. The San Antonio event was followed by an evangelistic campaign presented by well-known evangelist and church leader Mark Finley. The world church witnessed the fruits of this evangelistic effort as individuals who had been touched by the Pathway to Health event services were baptized at the 60th General Conference Session.
All patients received one-on-one lifestyle counseling on the eight laws of health and were prayed for and given literature by chaplaincy services. Patients so appreciated having their physical, mental, and social needs met that they voluntarily took more than 23,000 pieces of literature.
One of the highlights of ASI is the organization’s annual convention, held in various locations around the United States. Thousands of dedicated lay people and church leaders gather the first or second weekend of each August to network and exchange ideas. Hundreds of businesses and ministries present exhibits where attendees can glean ideas and garner encouragement for life and outreach. Inspiring plenary sessions and breakout seminars also equip and motivate attendees to practice and share their faith with others. We’d love to have you join us at the next ASI International Convention. Find out more at
I pray that as you read this special issue of the Adventist Review, you will be inspired by the powerful impact Adventists can have in the world when the world church joins with laity to carry out its mission. By uniting forces in our goals and efforts, as instructed in God’s inspired word, we can more effectively share Christ in our marketplaces, churches, communities, and homes.
Wayne Atwood is vice-president for communications of ASI.